Daily Post Image from Upsplash

Decemeber: 18th


  • 02:54AM


    The plan is to make a simple guest kanban for people to practice or quickly use one for whatever task they want. To keep the size low, I will have it expire after a year aka 365 days and then we will keep it to around 3 panels , with a set inventory of objects to be added.

  • 08:06PM


    Lets get that realtime going for kanban and maybe we can get live mouse movements too. That would mean we would have to setup a multi mouse realtime, hmm, react side that would be keeping track of the mouse state.

  • 10:30PM


    The operator is up and running, now we need to focus on building the first container image. There are a couple things that I need to figure out, like the Registgration Endpoint crate and a couple other things. The new folder for the configurations will be in the _os folder under /migrations/kube/_os.