Daily Post Image from Upsplash

July: 05



The current plan is to formulate a solid way to use items through an event and queue system, with working notifications as well. I was going to spend a decent amount of the time working through getting the tool tip resolved but it seems that it might not be worth it, instead of having a tool tip appear over hovering, we can get a bit creative with it.


For the item management, we should create an itemdatabase that would store all the static items that could be added into the game. Furthermore, I am thinking of having those said items stored within the cryptothrone mdx on KBVE and utilizing the zod to manage them? In the future, we could also extend this out to a more advance item engine that can be used in multiple games, without having to recreate the wheel.

For the item viewpoint, we can build the database within KBVE, we could go as far as having the items be used in all our various games? This would make building and expanding the game much easier, including getting new users and adding a couple different abstractions onto our project. The itemdb will start with a markdown collection that gets turned into a json file and then finally we would call it for storage. There are a couple minor things that we would have to account for, like the ability to replace descriptions and certain apsects of the item, yet that can be done through an ommit.


  • 6:00pm - Building out the basic RareIcon.com NextJS template. I am thinking that I might also build out a general template / concept for a majority of my websites as I prepare for my Resume / CV builder. I should aim for about 3-5 live projects that I can shift through and utilize! One of the core concepts that I want to test is the multi-tenant core within the Appwrite eco-system and how far I can extend out the API.
  • 10:00pm - Okay! After some general test casing and going through some templating issues, I was able to get the CI/CD done for RareIcon! Now we are operating the website on NextJS, similar to the Discord.sh setup. My plan moving forward will be to get at least both of those websites to become integrated with the Appwrite. While that is going on, I wanted to start focusing on the batchmation of SEO/SEM/Marketing/Media through cloud functions. This part of the project will be a bit interesting to build out because there are a couple moving parts that I need to address.
  • 10:20pm - I believe one area of difference between the Discord.sh and RareIcon.com will be the CSS, I am going to keep Discord.sh with MUI and try Tailwindcss for RareIcon. As for the majority of the notes, I am thinking of writing them out here, as a collection of my thoughts and then clear them up and migrate them over to the documentation.
  • 10:45pm - The Robot Unicorn Attack SWF will be located here -> https://rareicon.com/assets/swf/arcade/robotunicornattack/robotunicornattack.swf. I am thinking how I should do the asset structure for the website.
  • 11:50pm - Okay ended up getting it resolved! Let us try this now in production?


What is new in the world? Nothing. What is old in the world? Nothing. Everything has always been and will always be. — Sai Baba


  • SWF CORS Issue