Daily Post Image from Upsplash

July: 21


Once Human

The grind has finally hit me hard, I believe I have officially burnt out of the game. Currently the plan is to setup a grow farm and mass produce beer and soda! We were planning to setup fuel production but because I am a bit too low of a level, this will be postpone until I get enough power generation. The current meta farm plan is to grow a bunch of oranges, because who does not love orange soda, and then corn and wheat. With the corn and wheat, we can produce a bunch of beer and the oranges will help us move forward with the orange soda. Afterwards, I would like to expand into canned goods, if I get to the level within the time period.


Switching it up to halo! Okay, a CTF map where both sides get a bunch of flying options to wage war on the ground and in the air would be insane. The idea would a simple 8v8 CTF but both sides get a bunch of jets aka Sabers and heavy equipment, with the goal of not only getting better at flying but a decent amount of mass bombing. However this would be something that would take a while to do in forge and we do not really have the playerbase for halo.


  • 9:00am - Going to do a couple quick rounds of the H but honestly it seems to be getting a bit boring and out of place. I definitely need something a bit more rewarding or well obtuse, maybe it might be time to hit that cookie clicker flow per say.
  • 12:20pm - Friday! Time to roll some of the TSLA calls/puts out for another week, I have to be careful on how far out I extend them, as I only have a couple thousand dollars to work with. This is okay for the time being as my REITs monthly income has been growing really well this past few months but I want it to grow faster. I should aim for around $10,000 a month within the next 2-3 years.
  • 1:14pm - Going to run a couple quick games of the new Arena game mode on League of Legends aka the H. As for the official plans, I believe moving forward we will be naming the game RentEarth as we build out the website.
  • 10:54pm - Went through a decent chunk of the backlogs, addressing a couple major concerns and I will have another chunk to add into the current list. There was a Coolify issue that I needed to address, which caused an error in the way we were storing the secrets, but a quick roll back was able to handle that. This does mean that I will have to look over the backup system and maybe implement a whole new one.
  • 11:50pm / EOD - The credit structure will still remain the same as of right now. $1.00 = 1,000,000 , $0.10 = 100,000 and $0.01 = 1,000. With the creation of the database, the documentation will look like this $1.00 = 1M , $0.10 = 100K and $0.01 = 1K as short hand notation. We currently have a couple bulk orders that we can process once we launch the credit system, I am just being extremely careful on how I approach this, as any mistake in this area could cause a major upset / problem later down the line. I did make a promise-style note for the first bulk batches to be discounted for certain early groups, with the condition that these bulk credits would only be used for KBVE services and not re-sold.


Only through our connectedness to others can we really know and enhance the self. And only through working on the self can we begin to enhance our connectedness to others. — Harriet Lerner


  • Backlog Clean Up