Daily Post Image from Upsplash

May: 14



The $60+ pop this morning was insane!


Updated the javascript documentation for Lottie and included a quick lottie-web example.


Currently planning out a quick mini game jam for the next couple days! We could combine all of the previous games into one unified game and then pipeline it out to Steam. The theme for the gamejam is Aqua and I am going to head towards a Zelda-style mockup.


I updated the documentation around the TailwindCSS within the javascript docs, and now it would be time to migrate all the tailwindcss examples into the document. Yet before I do that, I need to build a new component to help render the tailwindcss as a preview. I am thinking of using this html-react-parser library to help render the example tailwindcss code.

We had to add a syntax highlighter and decided to change the default code layout to be “shadesOfPurple”, which looks great in both light and dark mode!