Daily Post Image from Upsplash

January: 08



  • Rancher


    Something went wrong with the rancher certs and I was able to figure it out by going through the issue tickets. I believe the issue was that when we updated rancher, it might have reset the certs but we were able to make sure that ACME / LetsEncrypt does its job. After going through some casual walk through with ChatGPT, we were able to solve the issue.

  • Secrets


    We need to update the Sealed secrets once more and then enable the discord namespace to have access to the service_role.

        ./kbve.sh -nx kilobase:seal --namespace=supabase --keyName=supabase-secret-jwt --secrets=""

Going to recreate the secrets here and then move forward, making sure that the service_role has the right key. After using the jwt decrypt, I think we put the wrong service key in the seal! Once we update the sealed secret, I will add another seal inside of the new discordsh namespace, which will then grab that information and use it. Our goal would then be to migrate some of the user-defined functions directly to the supabase, including the JWT/Auth.

  • 07:32PM


    Next on the agenda will be to add in the dockerhub image for DiscordSH! After it gets added, we can move forward with building out the helm chart and we should be good to go! That was a quick fix to the docker build, next we want to prepare the discord shell build.


  • 2:31pm - erust

    • Preparing for the crate creation of erust , which will hold the egui / eframe library.

    • The command that we will run to create the library will be like this:

      pnpm nx g @monodon/rust:library erust
    • After creating the base library known as erust, we will now create the application that will utilize the erust library.

      pnpm nx g @monodon/rust:binary rust_wasm_embed
    • Make sure we are up to date with rust, by running this in our shell:

      rustup update
    • Followed by adding our egui dependencies and migrating the generic eframe_template files over to the apps/rust_wasm_embed.

  • 5:02pm - Bug Wars

    • We will first focus on getting the general build out of the way for the apps/rust_wasm_embed and focus on tackling any bugs that might appear.

    • I believe I would also have to setup the Trunk for the build and also need to add the rustup targets. These will be added into the Rust docs tomorrow.


“.” —


  • - Setup egui