Daily Post Image from Upsplash

July: 02



  • 11:00am

Damn, I caught a terrible viral bug and my body is fighting this thing to the end of earth. I have not yet taken any anti-viral medicine but if things get bad, then I might have to pop some anti-biotics. Greek yogurt has been a life savior, my logic is that if I fill myself up with healthy bacteria, it would make it harder for the evil ones to get a hold of my immunity system.

Issue Tickets

  • 1:45pm

I need to get into the grind of updating the issue tickets more often. My private kanban is looking great but I think getting a public one that is opertional and synced would be a great benefit in the long term.


  • 6:40pm Currently running around Edison and buying random wedding gear, as I would like to call it. It is not for my wedding but for my cousins, which is going to be in Italy, so nothing is going to be more epic than an Indian wedding in the heart of Italy.


  • 9:45pm

Spending most of the night working out the issues within the frontend, switching between a bunch of different libraries. We were using flowbite before but ended up going with preline instead. I just remembered that we will have to update the preline parts within the doc section because it might not call the the script execution.


  • 5:45pm - Going through all my monthly statements, just to make sure that everything will be paid off. I have to contact my insurance agent soon too, as I want to see if I can get a further discount on my car insurance. Usually I pay 6 months in advance, hopefully she can find me a better rate.
  • 5:50pm - Having some minor flowbite issues, I am thinking that I will add their react library and call the javascript that I need directly within the jsx file for the time being. I have it noted and I will go back and alter it when I get some time. This would be a hot fix but I need to get the basic login working within Unity. I also noticed that this login solution will not work for WebGL games, but in that situation, I will just use the ReactUnity to handle that. I am like not too far from just rebuilding a cyperpunk neopets lmao.
  • 9:00pm - I am thinking of cooking some ramen with spinach and egg! I am currently looking for recipes to work with. I am thinking of cooking the ramen and then add the layer of spinach near the end? Hmm, now there are a couple ways I could go about cooking this but I wanted to make sure I do not over cook the noodles or the eggs. I am a bit too lazy to weight out the spinach, so I am just going to throw all of it.


Argue for your limitations, and sure enough they’re yours. — Richard Bach


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