Daily Post Image from Upsplash

July: 14



The dialogue zod is still a pain to create but we are getting there slowly. Maybe we just have one structure for the dialogue node and then have it include possible actions as an optional ulid.

For this case, we can just do this:

export interface IDialogueObject {
  id: string;
  title: string;
  message: string;
  actions?: string[];  // Array of ULIDs pointing to actions/effects
  options?: string[];  // Array of ULIDs pointing to other dialogue objects
  style?: string; 
  backgroundImage?: string;

Actually we could add in the playerResponse as a string too.

const DialogueObjectSchema = z.object({
  id: z.string(),
  title: z.string(),
  message: z.string(),
  playerResponse: z.string().optional(),
  actions: z.array(z.string()).optional(), 
  options: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
  style: z.string().optional(),
  backgroundImage: z.string().optional(),

Okay while waiting for this to move into the production branch, I am going to continue to improve the codebase. I believe we can make some changes to the NPCDatabase that can be useful in the future! Lets make some minor changes first to the NPCDB, making sure we got the core fundamentals down.

Princess Mononoke

The Kodama from the movie were nearly perfect, I think we should have those hidden through a forest scene. We will have to work out the background image for them and not try to copy exactly how they look, maybe mix them in with the unknowns and pikmen? So a cute and easy to draw spirit that will appear throughout the background scenes for the different NPCs within the forest.

Dialogue The next step for the dialogue system will be to render the visual novel style but also include a way to add some color to the text when going through the typewriter effect. We also might want to play a sound when the character is typing out, similar to the Animal Crossing effect?


  • 6:00am - React Native time. I am going to try and build out an application as fast as I can? There will be a mixture of me learning how different template engines work and how to use the different routing styles.
  • 8:00am - I need to rewrite the notes from this date back into this journal entry for reference. FLAG


Imagination rules the world. — Napoleon


  • Study React Native