Daily Post Image from Upsplash

April: 29


The main focus will be getting the launch ready for KBVE website and application. Ugh the account page is still super buggy, but I think we can still move foward with the way it looks, at least in our initial launch phase.


Going to make changes to the about page, and testing some of the code generation via offline models. Honestly they are getting way better than I expected.


Always a great way to start off the mondays! Another addition to the collection, the show was a solid 6/10! Some of the acts were really bad but overall, it was a solid episode, damn tony hawk lookin old.


I am preparing the invoice management and generator, making it easier to keep track of all the records and services. This is going to be a bit tough to mix in the old code with the new code, but I think we can get somewhere decent with it by the end of May.


Pre Launch has been pushed back over and over! While it sucks to have to delay the MVP, it is great to see the backend and frontend stack evolve and become more mature. I think Astro still has a long way to go but so far I have been impressed and amazed with how fast it has grown.


Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it’s all over. — Octavia E. Butler