Daily Post Image from Upsplash

Decemeber: 10th


  • 03:40PM


    Holding my whole wallet in their hands, its about to become a shit show but I am here for it all. I thought I would be able to claim up the ladder but it looks like its going to be a rough time to find an escape pod.

  • 03:47PM


    Back to the unity drawing board, but this time around we need to make sure that the webgl actually builds. Damn, it did not make any of the javascript ffi. We will update the javascriptffi and the jsonprotocol, hopefully we get some errors and build failures to work with.

  • 06:43PM


    Looks like we got our first error, but that was nothing more than a salt on my balls. The error was not the type that we were looking for but rather one of stupididdy. Wait. let me go back and incorrect the word.

  • 06:51PM


    While waiting for the unity updates, we will go ahead and demo fudster.

    Repo: https://github.com/KBVE/kbve.git Branch : dev Paths: /migrations/kube/charts/fudster