Daily Post Image from Upsplash

November: 27th


  • 02:20AM


    We got ourselves another unity build to test out. While I am doing that, I should look to commission a steam game and bundle? Actually, if the artist that we hire does a good job, we could also have the same artist do our steam page assets? That would save us a bunch of time too.

  • 02:37AM


    Looks like the prefab works even though we are not using the addressable object. I am not too sure how I feel about that but for now it will be fine.

  • 03:09PM


    Looks like the most recent push created the files that we need for addressable-based vcontainers, allowing us to finally call the prefabs during the runtime. This will be an interesting way for us to build out the game, I am thinking that the town itself will be the main scene and when entering a mission or camp, we do an additive loading? Furthermore we would have to fix the URL maps and also the HTML template a bit more.

  • 03:36PM

    Unity Template

    The unity template needs to be adjusted so that it does not look like karp on the discord activities page. This is an easy fix but I been too distracted to address it! Anyhow, I am going to focus on getting that done today, with the postmessage and sendmessage between the player and iframe as well. Starting off with the canvas issue:

    <canvas id="unity-canvas" width={{{ WIDTH }}} height={{{ HEIGHT }}} tabindex="-1"></canvas>

    We will replace that line and move the styling over to the css part.

    Then add our own custom spinner that should just operate with css / javascript.

    <div class="spinner"></div>

    I suppose we could do this twice, having another spinner for when the iframe is ready to be displayed? Lets say we render the whole iframe and game off-canvas on the static html page that axum offers to Discord, then we can make the adjustments for our own loading screen? Once the off-cavans is done, we transition over to the main window , hmm, okay this just a future proof of concept that we can do once the game is closer to becoming ready for launch.

    The meta will be added as a commented out line:

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">

    I am thinking that we can assign it dynamically because if the game is played on mobile, we can make sure that the right meta viewport is assigned.

  • 08:40PM


    The next part will be to switch back from the asset management and focus on the lifetime and entrypoints, oh boi. We still need to setup the level manager and multiplayer level manager, once both of those are setup, we move forward with the player and npc list of prefabs.

  • 09:18PM


    While we are making some changes, we should move forward with having a build ready to queue up and run! Let me go ahead and move forward the issue, ideally we need to make a couple more changes to the mmextension package but there are some issues to resolve.