Daily Post Image from Upsplash

November: 22nd


  • 03:26AM


    With the Friday deadline coming up, it would be best to quickly rush the discord build. Okay spent the whole night going through the different stages but we are getting somewhere with the game server docker container.

  • 02:40PM


    The next step would be to add the MM Extensions as an unity project. Let me get this part rolling while I am working on the game server. The package will be the mmextensions and we will call them via KBVE.MMExtensions, as a reference to the more mountains extensions.

  • 08:29PM

    Unity Session

    The session went great, we got a better understanding of using MM extensions, tried to do a tri-live-code session too. I believe that a couple more instances and we should have a faster flow of updates. Good work JigSaw and Silver, yall are great teachers.