Daily Post Image from Upsplash

November: 13th


  • 06:15AM


    We are going to migrate in the different hooks to help streamline the app development. Here is the list again of the new hooks that we want to add:

    • useIdleCallback
    • useCache
    • useMemory
    • useLazyMemory
    • useOffScreen
    • useVirtual

    These hooks can then be used in the Register/Onboard page.

    All of these hooks have to be built in a way that will ensure that they can work in both mobile and web, so there might be a bit of a nested ifs to handle the different platforms. This feels like we are moving closer to our own useless million concept, but its okay, that is part of the learning process.

    Okay let me first tackle the useCache and the useIdleCallback for the expo-bbq. We will create both files under the /packages/expo-bbq/src/core

  • 04:00PM


    Playing a bunch of Space Engineer with the boys, while trying to get a better understanding of custom hooks within the React/ReactNative realm. My goal will be to eventually get to useWASM() hook, that would automatically wrap a wasm with the right parameters to be used for both web and mobile. However there will be a long time until I get to a working demo of the hook.

  • 11:50PM


    The first season of true detective, oh man is it so good! I forgot how amazing this season was, it is a master piece of art.