Daily Post Image from Upsplash

November: 11th


  • 02:18AM


    Forgot to add the screen for the onboard section. Let me go ahead and push that up.

  • 09:45AM


    The stock is sky rocketing in value and these calls are going to take away 500 shares, which is going to be rough for me. Those taxes are going to be brutal.

  • 06:37PM


    The real time supabase is the next challenge that I been working through, however there are some issues with the RLS. The issue that we will first reference is the 7630 discussion on the Supabase but I believe we did not setup the RLS perfectly for the realtime, thus we can start from that area tonight.

    Full error below:

    Failed to connect to the channel test: This may be due to restrictive RLS policies. Check your role and try again.
  • 09:14PM

    Kill Tony

    Another wonderful session of kill tony, I am actually pretty excited for it! Ari getting his seat on the panel, oh yessir.

    While watching the killing of our great tony, I am going to finish up some more of the SQL changes for onboarding.