The run up past $300 is a huge problem for me! I am going to have to find a way to postpone the sell off of my 5 contracts, going to roll it into next week at 305 strike. Hopefully the post trump era stock cools off next week but this is a dangerous rally, it can easily skip to $400 without me even looking.
More updates to the crypto throne, including changing the tileset. We might have to go with a new way of handling the tilesets, I think if we switch out of the static and go with a dynamic? The map chunking is still broken and I am not too sure if I will be able to fix. Maybe instead of having the chunking done during the loading state, I might have to pre-chunk them ahead of time. Looking through the different examples, it seems that people use build tools to make a custom json chunkset of the map, which makes sense because javascript is not too powerful.