Daily Post Image from Upsplash

October: 25th


  • 01:13AM

    • Fudster told me to add the timestamps back, so I will try to do a mixture of it.


    I should find a couple different ways for me to make my journals a bit more expressive and creative. The idea of the timestamps would be better, hmm, that way I can easily figure out the amount of damn hours, err days, I spent trying to resolve this react bug. I really can see why people would have issues with react.

  • 01:26AM

    • Where is Chippy’s buddy that sells the pool spas? Yo, is he gonna install one in his future house, then make it so that he can swim and play csgo.
  • 05:12AM Button

    We did it! I believe I have solved the too many renders problem, bug, headache, ugh. Another 20 hours wasted but a decent amount of experience gained.

    b u t t o n... bUttON, y U no ON, buuuutttoon....
  • 05:21AM RSPS

    Time to take a quick break from the react world and see if we can get this RSPS operational again.

  • 06:07AM UserCards

    Started to add user cards into the application, we will test case it inside of the lc agents demo app. The idea would be that each user would get their own linktree style setup, granted they will need to make sure that their email is confirmed. Considering that inactive accounts will get deleted, I believe we will not have to worry about it being abused any time soon. Funny thing is that we could use it as a way to promote free SEO and grow from that standpoint down the line. Or rather at least in the future, but we should focus on the plan at hand, which is making sure that the component works and can be updated.

  • 03:01PM

    DockerFile Yesterday night we were looking at the dockerfile for atlas and it might be time to make the adjustments on launching it. There are a couple areas that still need improvements but I am confident that we will have something that will be production ready before the end of the year. Taking a look at the dockerfile for the kilobase

    "container": {
    		"executor": "@nx-tools/nx-container:build",
    		"defaultConfiguration": "local",
    		"options": {
    			"engine": "docker",
    			"context": "apps/atlas",
    			"file": "apps/atlas/Dockerfile",
    			"metadata": {
    				"images": ["kbve/atlas"],
    				"load": true,
    				"tags": ["1.42", "1.42.0"]
    			"configurations": {
    				"local": {
    					"tags": ["1.42", "1.42.0"],
    					"push": false
    				"production": {
    					"tags": ["1.42", "1.42.0"],
    					"push": true,
    					"customBuildOptions": "--push",
    					"cache-from": [
    					"cache-to": [

    We can hot swap some of the commands and integrate them into our atlas repo. Changed up the variables and we should now have a simple build command for our atlas image.

  • 04:20PM

    Microbot Almost ready to launch the RSPS, just need to make some more changes to the structure of the script. We want it to launch right when the container is ready to run, yet there are a couple things that we want to adjust before we do that. In my quest to get that going, I realized that I hate doing docker builds on my ARM and that means we are back to doing anything else. Sleep does feel like it would be a good idea.

  • 07:15PM


    The updated version of atlas is almost ready to be deployed to the kubernetes cluster! Hmm, there are a couple adjustments that I will have to make but a spinable bot farm is not too far out of the realm, but this is just for learning purposes. It should be noted that majority of this is just a small concept because eventually the whole java client side of Runescape will die off, thus there is no major reason to be worried about it. I am looking at this as a small challenge or meme to celebrate the death of osrs java.

  • 09:04PM

    Python Okay time to setup the python hub and getting the core integration ready for the core of handling the communication. Let us start with the isolation of the python updates, including the new packages that we will need to add into the script. We will switch back around to java integration but getting the hub operational is a top priority before we can integrate it into our java cycle.

  • 11:40PM


    Messing around with the signalr but it seems that we could just drop all of that and just stick with the base websockets. I am going to create a new branch for the next day and focus on just using the base websockets to communicate and execute.