The task that has been waiting for a while, geting the redis extension working again within our postgres instance!
We would have to split this up into a couple different parts, ugh, I hate having to run the docker desktop, it makes everything more painful.
Let me make sure that the cluster is operational, which I can do via the cli through this command: kubectl get pods -n supabase
and then we can wait the decade, err, the 10mins, for docker desktop to boot up.
The unity engine component that we want focus on will be the Feels component, specifically their MMSoundManager
Now this is where we get into a bit of a tricky mess because we do not know if the extension will be installed in every future project.
The solution would be to create a collection of custom scripting symbols that are specific to the different plugins, extensions and namespaces.
I am also thinking that we would need to isolate those specific extensions into sub-folders, KBVE.Kilonet.MM
would hold all the MoreMountains
instances, while KBVE.Kilonet.Vuplex
would hold the vuplex code?
This approach would make more the most sense for now.
The next major update for the CryptoThrone.com game will be to include a register and login system for the player. We will integrate directly to our supabase instance and use this as another example to test case our self hosted instance. After we migrate this website, we can loop back around and migrate any of the additional domains that we are hosting or managing? Herbmail does need a whole new UI/UX upgrade and so does RareIcon, hmm, we can do those two afterwards. As for the HQPlan and the Cityvote, we will hold off on those while doing the docker desktop build because expo will take up too much time and resources.
For herbmail, we will have to remove some of the ve references and switch them over to the Astro Pad.
Spent the past day moving the animations out of lottie and into Rive. My plan is to then utilize some of the animations inside of Unity as well, so that we could a bit of cross-file usage, ideally making the tutorials be on our website rather than in-game. I changed the hero animation for KBVE and also threw a heavy animation into the footer, both are just small test cases that should have interesting results from the webmaster tools. For now, I am using our tools to check against the load time, but google’s webmaster tooling should be enough, and hmm, it seems that the rive library is the biggest issue. We could move the loading of the script off the main thread and use a web worker, but that will be an issue for the future me to resolve.