Daily Post Image from Upsplash

October: 2nd



To grab the dashboard password for quick development work! This is just a note for myself in the future.

kubectl get secret supabase-secret-dashboard -n supabase -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode

Yesterday, I added two base schemas and now I want to test them out! We still need to update the dashboard’s logging connections, as it is unable to see the auth logs and a couple other areas.


While testing out the schemas for Supabase, I need to wrap back around and finish up the Redis extension for KBVE. Part of the reason that I hate working on it is because if it fails then I have to go through a multi-stage recovery process, ugh. The big issue we had last time was passing of the sealed secret but I believe that was just a mistake on my end with the permissions and nothing related to the code.


Updated the sql.mdx notes with the CNPG Backup. The rolling recovery still needs to be tested but I think we can find a creative way to help us handle that.


To help with the build of kbve.com, I had to go through all our MDX references and remove them. Furthermore, I had to remove some of the deadcode that was lurking around all our monorepo. It was over 400 files that I had to change and fix today, what a wild ride!