Time to launch the big bad wolf! I believe the Armada instance is good to go for now, with the sealed operator and the base internal redis. We can wrap back around to usage and communication of that based redis for another project but for now, we can look at launching the kilobase instance.
Now we need to go back around and start to seal up more of the core secrets that we want to use. For the sealed secrets, we want to start with the basic ones that we had built earlier from the docker swarm. The first step in this process will be to deploy out the roles! To avoid a bunch of failure and cpu usage of repeated deployment attempts, I believe it would make sense to disable all additional service. We will focus on getting each of the core services up and running one at a time, with the kilobase fork of the database being the primary focus. The cnpg operator is currently installed outside of this fleet and it operates within its own namespace, but will it be able to communicate with our supabase namespace?
We will go ahead and delete the previous fleet deployment of supabase
that we had and work on a new setup.
This new fleet will include the n8n integration but none of the hqplan / atlas images for now!
I believe for safety concerns, we will have those containers operate within their own closed system that we will be able to deploy through the supabase functions.
Adding the n8n chart will make our lives a bit easier to integrate and build around. Now a bit of a crazier thing that we will be doing is directly having the n8n database integrate with our supabase postgres database. The logic isnt too sound behind this decision but I have a couple cool concepts that I want to explore, including expanding the rust extension for Postgres to utilize the n8n. Actually the errors that we are getting for this chart is starting to get a bit annoying, so we are going back off on it for now.
Now the fun of encrpyting all the secrets in bulk, then preparing to deploy them into the kilobase release. We will use the command that we made earlier for armada.
kubectl create secret generic supabase-secret-jwt --from-literal=redis-password=<new-password> --namespace supabase --dry-run=client -o yaml > temp-secret.yaml
kubeseal --controller-name=sealed-secrets --controller-namespace=supabase < temp-secret.yaml > sealed-temp-secret.yaml
Instead of running this command multiple times, it would be wise to throw it all into a shell file for us to use. We should split it into functions then have a main function that runs those nested functions that we create. The first function would be to double check if the inputs are there, the second function should make sure that the commands kubectl and kubeseal are there. The thrid would handle the kubectl dry run client and output the temp. The fourth function would handle the kubeseal and output the sealed-temp-secret.yaml The fifth function would cleanup the two files that get made, hmm sounds like a good plan for now.
The sealed function will be in a new file called generate-sealed-secret.sh
, which we will place inside of the tools/scripts/public/kube/etc/
For building out this function, I will just ask gpt to do the core of the function, then make changes to fit my needs!
Once the shell script works in the way that I like, I will extend the shell script into the nx run commands too, making it a bit easier to utilize in the future.
Looks like the current major failure is in our minio template, there seems to be some nil errors that are getting thrown around.
After resolving those errors, we got some more errors in the executing "supabase/templates/cnpg-kilobase-postgres.yaml"
, going to see what this nil error is from.
I should create a new journal entry to keep track of the changes.
- 6:35am - The mornings are getting cold, yes! No more ac and I can finally blast some of my PCs to max! Using my computers as a source of heat will always be OP.
- 7:00pm - I forgot to convert over my written notes to digital! I been trying to figure out the phaser engine for a bit and getting some luck in resolving some of the basic issues.
- 8:35pm - I am super excited for the next season of one piece, which will most definitely be a couple years from now with all the strikes and what not, but it gives me time to catch up on the general one piece series.
- 11:40pm - The new john wick series looks amazing! I enjoyed the first episode a lot and can not wait to see the next episode, it is a bit of a shame that they did not release all of them at once.
A prudent question is one half of wisdom. — Francis Bacon
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