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September: 16th



Burning that midnight oil with cans of hazy IPAs. Okay, the next couple updates for this week should be done faster, I am about to wrap up my k8s deep dive. Going back around and updating the notes for k8s/kubernetes.


Oh man the ban wave and removal of all those anime streaming sites has been a huge pain. Yet, I am thinking a closed and invite only will become more popular, maybe even making it so that it has everything but also a ton of protection and ease of use. The question then becomes, how would we handle the traffic and demand, without having too many issues? Hmm, maybe having a webRTC setup or a more complex seed and tree setup.



There was an error in the rancher regarding the disk space, so we can go ahead and look into expanding that out! Furthermore, upon inspection, I did notice that we need to go through the ubuntu image and check for updates. I suppose this is where microOS and talos have their shine, the ability to no longer have to do any of this.

25 updates can be applied immediately.
To see these additional updates run: apt list --upgradable
System restart required

The issue we looking to resolve is the lack of space in the master2 node but added another 18gb, moving it towards 50gb. Next, we will go through the vm backups, making sure that master2 is up to date with the backups and then removing the older backups. Okay the backup was good to go! Now we need to figure out why the image deleting fails.


The next topic of interest was trying out talos over the current k3s instance, yet I am not too sure if we need to go down this route. I was told we could easily setup a three node cluster and have this be operational without any major issues, however I am wondering how the storage would work. Even though I thought I was done with my kubernetes research, there is always something that will pull me back in!

The first step would be to walk through the image factory and create a custom image for us to boot from. From my understanding, the factory will help us build the proxmox iso that we will be using to deploy our base talos image. I believe we would want to add some custom kernal configurations that would be passed through this instance. Hmm, as I keep researching, I came across the cozystack, which feels like a coolify-like system that would focus on the kubes rather than the docker. This should be the approach that we take for our whole stack, making it easier for us and it already has everything that we need! Managed Postgres, managed clickhouse, okay I am definitely sold. For some side notes, the cozystack is managed by the aenix and we will be deploying the v0.15.0.


The best way to end a monday night? Oh course its a kill tony night! Overall, I think the episode was a 5/10, some solid sets here and there but eh, it might have been closer to a 4/10.


So it seems that Rancher also has its own immutable operating system, so more research to do. I will add the docs as a reference inside of the issue ticket and will add more information on this on a later date.


  • 4:45pm - Okay got some of the networking resolved with the Appwrite v1.4.3, its really just getting the general gist of the flow. Honestly looking back at some of the situations, just redeploying the stack was not enough, I had to stop the whole instance and then create a whole new instance.
  • 7:18pm - Finally got the docker swarm to work within my favor, there were a couple issues that I needed to resolve but for the most part it was pretty dope to see parts of the functions working. Now getting the command line to be operational will be the next step, but that might be something that I am willing to wait off on until things are a bit more stable within the eco-system at Appwrite.
  • 7:22pm - Now I need to convert over a couple of the cloud functions for the whole eco-system to the new repo and then do the deployment from there. I have to also test case the backup system and make sure that it works as intended, but that will be worth it before the hackathon.
  • 11:05pm - Looks like the swarm is still healthy with no major breaks as of right now, going to keep test casing it and seeing where we can push the boundaries for our application stack.


To give oneself earnestly to the duties due to men, and, while respecting spiritual beings, to keep aloof from them, may be called wisdom. — Confucius


  • Get Appwrite Swarm up and running with additional integrations.