Daily Post Image from Upsplash

September: 14th



Started the day out with a quick day trip throughout the city! I enjoyed the whole trip but the traffic was terrible and honestly it is rough. The event was a friend’s child’s birthday party and I just did a quick 1-2-1-2.


A quick league match before diving back into a programming session. However, everytime I login, I get that feeling that its just a huge waste of time because I am not streaming, which is because of charles being down. Anyhow after a couple matches, I will start fixing up github.ts.


The function that we want to take a look at is the formating one, which can be extended a bit! Added a types.ts for the devops library, which we will use to store all the different types that we might need in the future for the library. I should have done this earlier but I was not too sure how complex I wanted to make this library, but its going to build into something major, almost a pillar for the monorepo. A couple future concepts that I was thinking for the devops library would be to include some IaaC and even deeply integrate the nx eco-system, but these are still far into the future. Hmm, I am thinking of dropping the _$gha_fetchAndCategorizeCommits function and replacing it with two more functions, splitting the actual parsing and then another function for the formating. Currently the function does both and for test casing, it seems fine but we do need to make changes that would make sense. ?

Kubernetes Client Node

The next library that we want to add into the devops package would be one that can help us work within our cluster. Thus it would make sense to start researching a bunch of different k8s api libraries and so far it seems that the @kubernetes/client-node fits the bill perfectly. After doing some more research, I am now looking at the pulumi library and looking into what it offers for us to extend out into. My goal was not to build an iaac from scratch but rather work around an exisiting one, then add a couple more new features.


  • 6:45am - This might be the first time that Taco bell actually did not mess up my system! I think it might have to do with my increased intake in frozen veggies, a couple bags of peas, carrots and some other greens have been doing wonders. I feel great in the morning because of it.
  • 8:40am - I need to find a way to clean the showers a bit faster, I am thinking of a micro-style solution where after you finish taking a shower, you could spray around a mixture of solution that helps? Or right before you shower, I know I like to run the water really quick for 30 seconds before it gets to the right temp, during that time period I could spray something down? This is a shower thought. Actually I used to eat oranges in the shower, maybe I could come up with an interesting blog post about it!
  • 1:18pm - Sync the changes made in various websites into the central repository, this way we do not have to spent too much time migrating the notes between different repos.
  • 2:07pm - The patch system needs a bit of an improvement when it comes to the automatic deployment and updating, I am thinking that it might be best to do a couple different branches and then see how it performs from that standpoint and then just do a final push to master, which would then create the new branch.
  • 2:15pm - Adding automated sync test with the Auto-GPT and making sure that the plan is updated without having any issues. Afterwards I will update some of the backend features within the AutoGPT, I might just make a Dockerfile + compose for their whole structure, then finally stress test the whole eco-system a bit.
  • 5:05pm - Still having a bit of trouble with the docker build but I am switching over to another side project while I wait on the docker notes to be pulled and updated. I am actually enjoying the dev space style that I am working in, it just needs a bit more of an improvement in terms of organizing.
  • 10:04pm - Docker build seems to be working fine locally, now I just need to finish up getting the action system work as intended and then finally the automated deployment. This way all our updates would be in sync and we could work on Auto-GPT with a solid MLOps.


Instead of saying that man is the creature of circumstance, it would be nearer the mark to say that man is the architect of circumstance. — Thomas Carlyle


  • - Docker Build for Auto GPT.