Daily Post Image from Upsplash

September: 10th



The goal for today is to build out the base image for kilobase and include a small custom postgres extension. This will be my third attempt at doing ffi inside of rust! The rust extension will ffi into C and during the docker build, we will add it into the exisiting supabase dir.


The first night of madison square garden and kill tony was perfect, a nice blend of the favorites and some really solid performances all around. Now I am excited to see the next night, hopefully it comes out this Friday.

Postgres The next update to the image will be barman cloud, which will help us with the automatic backups! What an adventure, having to change the python version to 3.11 and then making sure the barman cloud works too, ugh. The build was successful but we still have to figure out how to arrange the deployment, which means getting github action to build and publish the image onto dockerhub. For setting up barman, we had to make sure the requirements.txt was included in the dockerfile, so we created a custom command for it.

    "copy-requirements": {
      "executor": "nx:run-commands",
      "options": {
        "command": "cp apps/kilobase/requirements.txt dist/target/kilobase/requirements.txt"

This copies over the requirements.txt from the kilobase folder into the distribution folder. Now we can start building out the basic pgrx extension, which will be a bit empty for now, just to make sure everything works before we add more heavy lifting into it. Before getting started, we will need a couple of predefined libraries to help us build the rust extension, including additional libraries that will help us ffi into c.

sudo apt-get install build-essential libreadline-dev zlib1g-dev flex bison libxml2-dev libxslt-dev libssl-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc ccache pkg-config libclang-dev

This command should grab everything we would need within an Ubuntu 20/22/24 instance. Side note, on my macbook, I had to do brew install git icu4c pkg-config.


  • 10:30am - Minor updates to the current issue tickets that are open. I definitely want to integrate some of the GPT-style concepts into the issues and then get to the point where I can have it patch, pull and merge different edits to the main repo! Think of it like Sweep but a bit more geared towards content generation and general clean up.

  • 4:05pm - Coffee! I require some damn coffee.

  • 9:37pm - The amount of memes that this is requiring. Ugh, I am diving deep into the caffeine binge. My basement has skyrocketed in temp, its actually super scary how hot it is getting in here.


The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. — Laozi


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