Daily Post Image from Upsplash

September: 6th



There might be an issue with longhorn and the multipath.conf for our nodes, thus we will have to update the configuration on all the nodes to handle it.


To prepare for the github actions to execute the ansible playbook, we would have to create a new key and place that inside of each of the containers.


The homework for this weekend will be to read into the usage of MicroOS. As the issue ticket states, we want to utilize the MicroOS for our next worker deployment. Ideally, we should deploy it via ansible through github actions but that iaac is not yet setup on our framework. For this deployment, we can use terraform to help us set it up and execute it! The terraform script will be placed inside of the /tools/scripts/public/proxmox


Spent the night trying to get the core of postgres and the namespace of supabase setup! After doing a bunch of different test deployments, I think we have a better understanding of what needs to be built and a clear goal in mind with the helm chart and deployment. One of the areas that I was thinking of looking into was utilizing github actions for the deployment but that might be in the near future for now.


  • 10:21am - Using ChatGPT to just quickly write out some content is becoming an addiction and I believe it might be the real mindwoke virus xD.
  • 11:00am - Okay! For my unsplash project, I was able to secure the camera but now the issue is getting a digital frame that can render the images with a bit more pixel density. Currently the frame that I have right now has a terrible resolution and under the intense light from the sun, most of the artwork looks like pretty bad. Furthermore, I do need to test my photo skills, including how well I am at for figuring out the different lighting.
  • 5:58pm - Updated some of the minor components on the main page of KBVE! I am not too big of a fan of the current layout, I might have to find another way to handle it.


Technology presumes there’s just one right way to do things and there never is. — Robert M. Pirsig


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