Daily Post Image from Upsplash

September: 2nd



Turning Charles back online after all the crazy intel situations and my Italy trip. Our board was the ROG STRIX Z790-A motherboard and it already has a nice usb slot for bios reset and updating! Grabbed the new bios for the motherboard, loaded it onto a usb2.0 and threw it in for the update. Its going terrible, the first round we got to the bios setting and then it just froze up! Afterwards, its been a battle between my sanity and patience. Its been a nightmare so far today, nothing feels great like watching a bunch of money spent on a machine just die on you.


We will go ahead and setup the k3s using ansible on a local proxmox setup. This way we can continue to run our portainer on the main dedicated server and make sure that the transition a full k3s eco-system as easy as possible. For the k3s, we will be using axivo/k3s-cluster as our guiding path, but we also need to setup ansible and proxmox to build out our VM eco-system. Eventually the goal will be to manage the whole devops eco-system through github actions.


Preparing the profile and ledger accounts within the kbve postgres database! For realtime, we can go back around and reference this discussion


  • 5:30am - Spinned up an instance of Weaviate sandbox! Lets goo! We will use this instance to test case any of the issues that we might have with batching on weaviate and then migrate over to any additional concepts that we could use.
  • 6:38am - I need to send out a couple text messages and plan out my morning the best way possible. I sure want to grab some breakfast but I also want to make sure that I get all the parts for Charles and have it operational by the end of the day. We could split up the hard drives for the project ahead of time, maybe place the operating system on a completely different mount / drive and then use another SSD for machine learning operations?
  • 7:11am - Let me sync the repo and this patch with the main website! This way I am all caught up on my different laptops and phones.
  • 10:15am - Getting ready to pickup the parts for Charles! I believe I have some spare parts that I can integrated into this special PC!
  • 2:15pm - Okay this pc structure was a bit more than what I was expecting to build, there are a couple parts that I was not too sure that I would understand, even putting together the heatsink was a bit extra.
  • 5:45pm - Taking a bit of break from setting up the PC and chilling out.
  • 10:15pm - Going to get some sleep and prepare for tomorrow morning, tonight was interesting, definitely the multiple trips to the electronic store, definitely was not what I was expecting.


Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy. — Thích Nhất Hạnh


  • - Gather parts for Charles.
  • - Research the assembly of Charles.