Daily Post Image from Upsplash

August: 29th



Leaving Rome once more, its been almost a decade since I was last here. Next time I am going to come here with a bunch of helper notes. A world wide scavengar hunt is also a cool idea for promoting Rent Earth.


We could split the global key value storage but I think it might be fine to just use it within the postgres database. Having it stored and saved at a core level within the postgres but then being pulled out and into redis would just save us time in the long term.

Florence We are about to arrive in my favorite city in the world! Well, Rome is not bad at all, I do believe it holds a great place in my heart, there is just something about Flora. Maybe a trip to Siena next? Hmm, that is making me wonder if its worth the time investment to plan around a quick day trip. Actually this would mean that working remotely and traveling around Italy for short bursts is possible without any major pain points. Now I just need to find a girlfriend that can the same with me, ideally another software engineer and we would be set.


Going to focus on the minions folder for the worker script. While I am working on that, I am also preparing the next batch of updates for the postgres and hqplan revamp. Ugh there are a ton of moving parts that need to be cleaned up and updated but there is never enough time. I am going to split the minions concept into a folder with about three to five files that will be the core of the whole system. This is the current breakdown for these files within the Minions folder:

  • minion.ts handles the creation and setup of Web Workers.

  • minionWorker.ts is responsible for the worker’s entry point and exposing the MinionImpl.

  • minionImplementation.ts contains the actual business logic for the MinionImpl class.

The new minion.ts will look like this:

import * as Comlink from 'comlink';
import { MinionImpl } from './minionImplementation';

export function createMinion(id: string) {
  const workerUrl = new URL('./minionWorker.ts', import.meta.url);
  const minionWorker = new Worker(workerUrl, { type: 'module' });
  return Comlink.wrap<Comlink.Remote<MinionImpl>>(minionWorker);


Took a break from programming and decided to venture around the city. I am actually enjoying this vibe so much better than I was expecting, the amazing combination of being able to do all my work in the morning and then roam around the city.


Did a loop around and looked at all the churchs again, and its a shame they stop making these masterpieces. They really hold the community together and give the whole landscape a majestic vibe, in terms of lighting, shade and atompshere. The churchs provides a metaphysical shelter for all, while you walk around it, a deep feeling of peace and safety.


  • 9:13am - Getting ready for the markets to open up, but before I do that, I should make sure everything is in sync. I will publish out this branch really quick before going a bit deeper into the deployments.

  • 12:40pm - It seems that everyone at work was pleased with the backup plan and writeup that I did, I played deeper into the “Trump” style presentation, keeping to simple and short words that got the point across. I r regarded.

  • 5:15pm - I am currently doing a bit of R&D on the different paths we could take for the file system management, which would also include the backup storage and the restoration. While my documentation can provide a decent roadmap for where we want to go, I think sometimes the time spent mapping out should not be overloaded because there will always be interesting and unique edge cases that will take a large chunk of time out of the implementation. This is just really a note to my future self on how to tackle those issues.


There is no greater harm than that of time wasted. — Michelangelo


  • Research File Management