Daily Post Image from Upsplash

August: 22nd


Supabase Starting our trip through out deeper part of Tuscanny. The next couple updates for today will be focused on making sure that the self hosted supabase will work without having any major problems. The core of the concept is simple enough, building ontop of postgres and keeping the stack open source and focused on maintaining data integrity. Those areas of the stack can be updated as we build it out.

CarRide The car ride there will be great, we ended up renting out a van and its filled with space. Gives our legs a bit of room to breathe and I can focus on just the core aspects of the momnorepo.

Projects The next couple cycles within our core project will be to launch a series of core projects. These can range from some past projects or brand new complex ones , but with the supabase integration, it will be easy for us to scale those out. Since we will be running a self-hosted instance, we can focus on growing as fast as possible without having to worry about the MAU. Yet we will try to maintain a level of data integrity, making sure the user that joins has a valid email and has signed in within the past 180 days or x months. While it would make sense to keep track of the different forms of user data, we also want to make sure we give the ability for users to delete or remove themselves from our platform.

CityVote The idea behind CityVote.com would be to just create a quick and small satire-style website that would be fun to work on! As for the backend tech, we are thinking that it would make sense to use either AstroJS or Next via Expo? I am aimming towards an expo style release. I wonder if we can launch that tonight without having even the internet? The monorepo should have everything in place for us to build the core of the site without having issues.

The expo application was added but I am not too sure if we will be able to deploy the whole application right this second because the laptop does not have xcode. Right when I get to the resort, I will put the xcode onto the laptop.

DiscordSH The next move after getting the core of cityvote up and running would be to get the discord sh service going as fast as possible. After the self hosted postgres and supabase are added and we have the completed test case, we can easily launch it ontop of it. That would mean our future discord bots would have direct access to the supabase infra, as well as edge functions, would could be great for an AiO Discord bot.

Expo I was having a weird bug with expo , so I will keep this in my journal as a note! Here was the command that I ran to update it so that I could access the developer console faster. sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer


  • 6:34am - My sleep schedule might be a bit off for right now but I will be working on getting it back together within this week.

  • 7:43am - Going to sync the repo with the dev branch and then start to make notes on the mL and Nodepy. To grab the appwrite key, I did a test case to see if I could read the variable.

  router.get("/app/app/", (ctx, next) => {
  try {
    _v(`{r} -> app -? ${process.env.KBVE_API}`);
  catch (error) {
    ctx.body = {
      status: 500,
      message: error,

  • 7:44am - Let me sync the repo.

  • 7:50am - There were a couple errors with the sync going to fix them up after work.

  • 9:30am - The market looks like a bull trap, honestly I am hoping that the feds do another pause on the rates and keep the slow increase going.

  • 9:33am - Going to clean up some more of my notes and maybe use a bit more of the GPT.

  • 5:32pm - Off of work and now I am going to see if I can push these notes through.

  • 9:25pm - Added charts to the stocks but need to do some more updating and configurations! There are a couple of interesting test cases that we could pivot around and make a bit better for meme.sh.

  • 11:16pm - I went through the RentEarth and was able to clone and repo through everything, I should make it into a template in the future but for now this seems to be more than good enough.