Daily Post Image from Upsplash

August: 20th


Flight The whole travel time feels like forever, I really hate the shift in time and the amount of delays were wild. However we are safe in Swiss alps for now, making my way out of Zunich. Yo, side note, the swiss chocolate is always worth its rep, so damn good.

Archive CopyLeft of the Task.astro and then just quickly shift around the tasks. This is the best approach to the quotes and a couple other concepts we want to add in, better to copyleft and make small changes over time. I would like to shift the layout for the archived tasks so that they are a bit more hidden and out of the ui/ux. We could place the archived tasks right in the footer, maybe above the footnotes or just under it? Ideally the archived section of the data is mainly pointless and could just be deleted, which we should also setup. After a task has been added into the MDX, it will remain with a reference back to a global database with our private tasks and objectives as well. The overall goal would be to make sure that all of this is linked but we do not need to keep too much data in the monorepo because it will cause it to bulk up. Yet having our journal entries be just here, we know that there would never be more than 365 files and it allows us to keep some kind of track of daily movement.


  • 11:00am - I am falling a bit behind in sleep and on my notes are a bit off for a while. I will get back onto the flow, it is just my current hackathon is taking up a large chunk of my time. So no major notes for today.

  • 4:00am - Ghosts. That is how I am feeling like right now.


Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another. — Eustace Budgell


  • Hack.