Daily Post Image from Upsplash

August: 18th


Supabase One of the most boring aspects of development is going through the point of a rewrite and we might be doing it again. Migrating from the current planetscale and very minimal image setup to something a bit more advance with postgres. I did some intense test casing and found that my own version has a better performance but its so small at scale, that it does not seem to matter. We will go ahead and grab the base docker compose and then look into setting up our own internal supabase for us to use and mess around with. I am going to move these parts of the note into the 08-19.mdx because I started to work on them again at around 1:00am.

Worker The command that we want to execute for the worker library will be in the next patch, as I want to get this super base up and running before I have to fly. I can make it a task to start the execution of the workers after I get some clothes and my haircut later tonight.

pnpm nx g @nx/js:lib worker --importPath="@kbve/worker" --publishable=true

Vault While I am traveling around the EU, I should make sure that I can still access the vault without having any major issues. I will double check the access point later tonight before I go to sleep.

Rustrewrite Nothing will be more fun than starting a zero-copy postgres rewrite of the kbve api. This will make the air flight so much more interesting and I am a excited for the challenge, hopefully I can get the application running before we have to leave.

Clothes I spent way too much time trying to figure out the best clothes to grab, my phat is getting a bit too much. I need to speed up my WoW grind setup.


  • 4:00pm - The race is on! Another 2 hours before we start to hand out tasks and individual goals for people! Hackathon mode activated.


Judge nothing, you will be happy. Forgive everything, you will be happier. Love everything, you will be happiest. — Sri Chinmoy


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