Daily Post Image from Upsplash

August: 17th


Monkey Pox Just as we are preparing to go to Italy, there has been a rise in monkey pox cases and it would make sense to be a bit more prepared for it. I think I will bring gloves and a bit of extra protection to make sure that we are safe during our travels.

Flight Making a unique document with all the travel information and a smart checklist would be useful. I will add it into another part of this site, maybe extend this out to a future travel collection? I am still thinking if it would be worth expanding it out into its own folder or series of information, I guess I can write a bit and see the traffic stats over the course of the year. Speaking of random parts of the website, I should continue to update the recipe section and add more unique styles! While I am in Italy, I think it would make sense to go on a couple quests to find more interesting foods xD.

DryCleaners Preparing everything with the dry cleaners was a bit of a pain because they did not have experience with cleaning and preparing indian outfits. I had to plan around this issue and find a cleaner that was way too far from my house that could handle all eight outfits.

Worker The next library that we want to release would be the worker library, which will take the place of khashvault and db. We will be moving all the indexeddb actions into this library, but also extend it out to do websockets, sse and a couple more advance techniques. The worker library will be deployed using this command:

pnpm nx g @nx/js:lib worker --importPath="@kbve/worker" --publishable=true

I was thinking maybe calling the library orc or ork for short? A bit of play on words for an Orc and Worker but I think we can move forward without it.

Warcraft A great way to end a Saturday! I might not be able to get my warrior up to lvl 60 before we have to go to another nation but I will gladly get it to lvl 85 once I get back. A part of me can not wait for us to get really up there on the levels.


  • 5:45am - I had to get up early to fix up some of the issues with my roof’s sun window? I am not too sure what they are called but there is a leak and honestly, the moment there is a roof leak, you know its going to be a problem down the line.

  • 10:11pm - I will have to come back and update today’s journal entry after the hackathon because it seems to be causing Astro to crash a bit.


It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf. — Walter Lippmann

Tasks List

Update Flight Requirements List

ID: task-0817-01

Description: Update a standard documentation for flight requirements.

Due Date: Sat Aug 17 2024

Completed: No

Priority: 3

Assignee: Self

Tags: config, update