Daily Post Image from Upsplash

August: 14th


Lootables The lootables or loot-table is the first game mechanic within our CT and I been thinking through exactly how I want to handle it. Majority of it will come from the rolling of dice and the results of the roll will determine if you steal something. The table should include the amount of dice that we would need to roll for the table but then there is an issue of how we would keep that stored, hmm.

Journal Here is the current config.ts zod that we are using for the journal:

const journal = defineCollection({
  schema: z.object({
    title: z.string(),
    description: z.string(),
    tags: z.array(z.string()),
    footnote: z.string().optional(),
    author: z.string().default('KBVE Team'),
    role: z.string().default('KBVE Member'),
    unsplash: z.string().default(''),
    img: z.string().default(''),
    date: z.date().optional(),
    url: z.string().optional(),

We can extend out quotes and tasks as arrays. Lets start with the first zod for quotes and then we can look into the tasks and archived. The quotes schema could look like this:

const QuotesSchema = z.object({
  quote: z.string(),
  author: z.string().optional(),
  date: z.date().optional(),

but we could extend it out to include a footnote, as well, which will be a z.string().optional(). I asked GPT to create a base schema and this is what it came up with:

const QuotesSchema = z.object({
  quote: z.string(),
  author: z.string().optional(),
  date: z.date().optional(),
  footnote: z.string().optional(),
  source: z.string().optional(),
  context: z.string().optional(),
  tags: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
  id: z.string().optional(),
  importance: z.enum(['high', 'medium', 'low']).optional(),
  language: z.string().optional(),
  page: z.number().optional(),

These are the breakdowns for teach of the schema suggestions, I will this noted for now.

Source: If you need to track where the quote was taken from (e.g., a book, speech, article), you could add a source field. Example: source: z.string().optional()

Context: A field to provide additional context or background information for the quote. Example: context: z.string().optional()

Tags: To categorize or label quotes, a tags array could be useful. Example: tags: z.array(z.string()).optional()

ID: If you plan to reference quotes elsewhere or need a unique identifier, you could add an id field. Example: id: z.string().optional()

Importance/Priority: A field to denote the significance of the quote (e.g., primary, secondary). Example: importance: z.enum([‘high’, ‘medium’, ‘low’]).optional()

Language: If the project is multilingual, specifying the language of the quote might be useful. Example: language: z.string().optional()

Page Number:For quotes from books or documents, a page field could track the page number. Example: page: z.number().optional()


  • 5:00am - SSS. Honestly, I might
  • 6:30am - Going to prepare my notes for a quick meeting for work and I really need to make sure that I get some of the Appwrite functions ready for the hackathon later this weekend.
  • 8:00am - A bit of a brutal start for the pre-market, I am surprised that TSLA has slipped so low, it will make for an interesting end of the year, will it hold the $230+ line or will it slip all the way down to the lower bounds of $200? Only time will tell, but there has been a ton of random memes and conspiracy theories floating around. My favorite so far is the one that Elon will buy $X , because he wants the ticker symbol! However, that could really be market manipulation.
  • 2:00pm - Spaces time! Going to listen to the X Spaces for the AI hackathon.
  • 2:42pm - It was definitely not the best talk to attend, I felt like it was a bit all over the place, honestly it did give me a couple cool concepts/ideas for a future concept.
  • 3:45pm - Spending most of the day going over the flowchart and outlining a complete CI/CD deployment of Appwrite functions from a Github repo.
  • 10:20pm - Finished a quick league session! Oh earlier in the day, I had a 1v1 match with Fudster, the record is 0-1, with me losing! However I know that I did not pick the best runes for the 1v1 and my itemization was not really the best, if I can make wave clearing a bit easier for me then I could easily win the next round.


Absence makes the heart grow fonder. — Thomas Haynes Bayly


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