Daily Post Image from Upsplash

August: 13th


M3 Going to pick up a quicky M3 laptop today and then later on going to order a larger one for when I get back from Italy. I ended up grabbing the 16gb model for about $1300, which was basically a small percentage of my Nvidia gains xD.

Italy I am going to keep my m1 at home and take my m3 on my trip, this way I have a small laptop that I can travel around with that is extremely light weight and will be a bit more secure. Not only will I use the iCloud lock service but I wanted to use my rust based one that would operate within the active system. The rust based storage system is written to use AES encrpytion but is shared and nested with a couple different algos and loops, I also made it a bit of a pain to recover for myself, so if another person steals it, they will have a ton of a fun figuring out what each byte does. One of the keys that I used for decryption is based upon the location of the file and then there is the git crypt that I have to still plan around.

Journal The schema for the journal configs have to be updated for the task and quotes, but before we add those, we need to create the schema to store them as well. For the quotes schema it could just be the quote itself, footnote and the author. As for the task, that would be a collection of tasks that can be stored as an array, with a completed boolean? I will think through the best options tonight or tomorrow.


  • 10:30am - I am trying to sign up with the Oracle’s cloud plan but been running into various issues. It was a bit messy but I am thinking that I might just reach out to their support and get it resolved from their end.
  • 3:27pm - Changing the main background color of the KBVE’s homepage to a nice black color. I did not change the template’s bg-default to the black because I still want to use that blue but keep it a bit higher in the layer, so that it would utilized for certain actions in the future, like the dropdowns.
  • 3:58pm - I am currently looking at this Ai Hackathon and thinking that I might either form a team or look for team mates that might be interested in forming an alliance where we could work on the said projects together! I will reach out to those that might be interested and see if I can find enough people that might be down.
  • 4:05pm - Let me finish up the recovery page for KBVE and then I will shift back to the pocketbase setup. I will create a couple new tickets in reference to the current issues that I want to tackle, so that we can stay organized and make it a bit easier to handle.
  • 4:27pm - It seems that SendGrid is rewriting the URL’s with the brandable URL? I am not too sure what this feature is exactly but it is causing some pain points in terms of the usability. I also know that I have only 100 emails per day to send, it would be a shame if I burn through all of those just trying to figure out this mess.
  • 5:49pm - I started to work on the md and mdx structure for different applications and their issues. I will isolate the notes, journals and errors into three basic folders. This will help in the future as we expand the library of information.


If one does not know to which port is sailing, no wind is favorable. — Seneca the Younger


  • LabLab Teams
  • Pocketbase Notes
  • KBVE Recovery
  • KBVE Template Updates