Daily Post Image from Upsplash

August: 3rd


MapDB Todays plan will be create the final MapData interface and the MapDB class within Phaser. We could call this the Environmental handler? I will think about the name while I work this out. First we need to move the types from the quadtree.ts into the types.ts:

interface Bounds {
    xMin: number;
    xMax: number;
    yMin: number;
    yMax: number;
  interface Point {
    x: number;
    y: number;
  interface Range {
    name: string;
    bounds: Bounds;
    action: () => void;

With the types moved, we slap the export onto them and I am thinking we could fix up some of the references in the future. For example, INPCPosition can be updated to extend the Point.

export interface INPCPosition {
  x: number;
  y: number;

// To this

export interface INPCPosition extends Point {
  id?: string;

The current mapdb / mapdata interface will be this:

export interface INPCObjectGPS {
  ulid: string;
  position: INPCPosition;

export interface IMapData {
  bounds: Bounds;
  tilemapKey: string;
  tilesetName: string;
  tilesetLayer: string;
  scale: number;
  npcs: INPCObjectGPS[];

The new INPCObjectGPS interface will help us with keeping track of the NPC from the client-side, but the absolute truth will be on the server side. Given that this game plays in both single player and multiplayer with an island approach, we need to make sure that the client-side GPS can be corrected within reason. Next we can setup the zod for the map data , so that it would be easier to manage! While building this out, I realized that I need to preload the json and tileset png per map, so we need to update the IMapData to hold those two additional variables.


While we can extend out the INPCObjectGPS , we also need to attach a quick ID to the object, that would be referenced by the server. Keeping track of the NPCs should be easy for now because we did not yet add death or any complex systems, like combat. However, if we are planning to do that, then we should plan ahead for these said actions and states! The pool of objects could be saved into the SQL database and also kept within the RAM or a redis-structure? I am not yet 100% sure how we would want to handle it.


  • 1:00pm - I am a bit excited to see how AAPL does during their earnings call. I am hoping that it at least breaks past the $195 mark, so I can offload the shares, but if it does not, then I will keep covering 200 shares until they get sold. My small goal would be to just get in and out for around $200 a week, which I will dump into my $O pool.
  • 2:26pm - Going to install the r3f into the KBVE.com repo, however I feel like it might make the repo a bit too heavy. I shall see what we can do moving forward, there could be a bit better way to handle it.
  • 2:32pm - I will go ahead and install all the libraries that I would want to use for the Three.js integration onto the website and extend out the Canvas via a couple different elements, including a portal and some unique examples. I would like to see how they look under the Unity video game as well.
  • 2:51pm - We should place the models that we want to use for the R3F inside of the public/assets/model and there I will build out some of the general models that we will be using for the test casing. For the time being I will place some of the generic content that I find on the internet there but try my best to keep the licensing within those folders. This will be to help avoid any major issues.
  • 3:20pm - Coffee break and then when I come back, I will begin to install the R3F, I noticed that there might be some issues with how I would want to go about it, so I might have to think a bit about how I would want to handle it. Maybe having an isolated repo for each instance could be better? The Widget style setup would be interesting doe.
  • 6:49pm - Installed the basic libraries for r3f and looking at how they will perform on various browsers. It seems that general mainstream browsers that are are chromium based have a decent ability to render and run the r3f examples. However, it seems that OperaGX was not able to render the portal example at a functional level. I am not too sure if its because I have something disabled OR if OperaGX does not support this type of library. I will have to do a couple more browser test casing, including Safari!
  • 10:33pm - Test casing some of the general r3f libraries. Going to push through a general save state as patch patch-r3f-install and then going to continue to work from this branch until tomorrow.


The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back. — Seneca the Younger


  • Install r3f libraries.