Daily Post Image from Upsplash

July: 08




The next library that I want to integrate into the laser package is react three fiber and three js, using both of those to help us render smaller components outside of phaser. We want to isolate some of the minigames, so that the application, as a whole, will not fail directly. Going with a bit more of a modular flow with the rendering but the downside is that it will make the game and library heavier. The trade off will be worth it in the long term.


I might have messed up my sleep schedule, so I will have to think through what the steps to take to get it back to normal.

Kill Tony

The episode of kill tony was okay, it was definitely not the best but I had a couple solid laughs. The golden ticket winner that they had on had a terrible minute doe, was surprised he was a holder.


One of the issue that I was having with the Dice roller was that it kept re-rendering and since I have not done react in a bit, I forgot to wrap it in a memo. Next I changed the material color to a yellow-ish color, to help it match the rest of the site’s theme. I believe we will have to go through all the colors and stick to a solid combination or set of matching hexs.


  • 7:00pm - Late start to the PC neety life, had to touch grass.
  • 7:30pm - Caffeine check! Red bulls, yup. Coffee, was drank before I even got home. Water? A gallon of filtered water, hopefully there are no PFAS chillin in there.
  • 8:00pm - Going through all of the backlogs and then creating issue tickets for each one! The idea here would be to have about 50-100 issues that are pending, then focus on tackling as many of them as possible. A bit of a wave function style management per say.
  • 11:00pm - I am cycling through almost 200 post-it notes and I am getting even more daily. I have to be very careful not to over extend myself and focus on getting the really basics out of the way.


Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does. — William James


  • No Tasks for Saturday! Just chill and do as the gods’ will.