Daily Post Image from Upsplash

July: 03


  • 12:34am

I forgot to update the journal, so give me a bit of time to fix up the entries.

  • 3:30pm

Time to go through and prepare the cryptothrone domain for a quick publish. The idea should be a simple one page application / game, that will make it easy to work around with build. For now we can launch a quick demo / pipeline and then slowly work through the kinks.

  • 4:50pm

Tesla might cross over the $250 mark, this will be bad for us because then I might be forced to sell a bunch of shares. I am thinking that it would be wise to just keep rolling the call options, even if its just for a couple hundred dollars a week.

  • 6:25pm

CryptoThrone deployment, this was long over due and I think it might be a good summer hobby project. We got adsense approval, so it might make sense to now start stream lining the process.

  • 11:45pm

Before we end the night, I am thinking that it would make sense to build an engine to help handle some of the phaser situations that we will come across.

pnpm nx g @nx/js:lib laser --importPath="@kbve/laser" --publishable=true

This could be an engine that holds all our phaser code and also any additional utility code that we can use in future projects?


  • 10:00am

Going to quickly head over to a friends house for a 4th of July party to help setup and prepare. I am about to do the classic h0ly move of bringing things, setting things up and then leaving early!

  • 4:00pm

I have to split up the login form into two or three different classes or maybe have different modules? I am a bit confused on the path that I want to take for setting up the login system. This has been an issue for a bit way too long, I am thinking that I might just stick with very basic moves and then later on, go back to write it up.


Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. — Zig Ziglar


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