Daily Post Image from Upsplash

June: 25



Updating the jedi crate to use the featherless api, however as I am building it out, it might make sense to make a general OpenAI wrapper and then just adjust that based upon these different models. We will be using a combination of Semaphore from Tokio and SegQueue from Crossbeams to handle our concurrent queue but this is still a bit new for me!


The UI for the Jukebox needs to be rebuilt but I will take some small steps towards that. I am thinking of a neumorphism style within tailwindcss but getting the customization down is a bit of a pain. This would be a great way for me to learn a bit of abstract UI design but the time it will take is something that might not be worth it right now. The skip button will be the first attempt at a neumorphic style and then I will go from there, plus it does look tough to do in a dark style because of the way the shadows would be handled.


The next part of the atlas upgrade will be with expanding the haystack integration, mainly haystack 2.0 but that might come with its own set of issues and problems. We are currently using a custom api wrapper around groq, ollama and a couple other libraries, so maybe we would have to create a single uniformed wrapper around those that would work directly within the haystack eco-system?


  • 4:30pm - Updates to the WebMaster tool. I should wrap all the URLs that we can use for the tools inside one list, then reference them using tags? There are a couple tools that I will reference in the bottom where the user will have to login to use? Maybe a small element near the tools that require a login to use? I suppose we could collect feedback and then go from there.
  • 5:20pm - Going to push through some of the branches and start to split up the branches a bit. I accidentally removed my changes from yesterday, which is a shame because that does throw me back another day in development time.


Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of your attention. — Jim Rohn


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