Daily Post Image from Upsplash

June: 17



Okay so for the current v18, there seems to be a build error in gha and I think we will just migrate this concept library over to the devops library. Let us start with the base command to create the library.

pnpm nx g @nx/js:lib devops --importPath="@kbve/devops" --publishable=true

We will keep track of this on this issue. After creating the base of the library, we can go ahead and commit the changes we are planning for this gha to devops migration.

Finally we got the base of the devops library in operation, just need to finish making sure all the information within the package.json is up to date and we will go ahead and trigger a minor bump. We can have this move up in the pipeline and while we wait for that to build and process, we can start to expand the library with the various functions. For the test case, I went ahead and added the axios library, but I noticed that we would have to update the dependencies manually, which is a future painpoint that must be adjusted for.

Looks like the library was built and was published into the NPM registry, now we can move forward with expanding that said library with different functions that we will call within the workflow.

Going to look through the different github actions that we were planning to add and slowly migrate all the custom functions into the @kbve/devops library, then go back and activate each one as we see fit. Added two more libraries into the monorepo, marked and dompurify, both of which will be used within the sanitization.ts to help clean up the inputs from the different variables, like the issue ticket’s body.

We added the api.ts and sanitization.ts, with the basic unit testing, and we can now rebuild the issue ticket processing.

There was an error doing the release of the package, maybe it might have been the same version or a version bump error? Here is the error:

  npm dist-tag add error:
  Something unexpected went wrong when processing the npm dist-tag add output
   TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'summary')

Let us try going to version 0.0.4 and then seeing if we still get this error.


I made an issue ticket to keep track of the Nx v19 migration Making sure the nx.json was updated to make sure that they dry run does not generate files. Before moving forward, we will go ahead and sync these changes and make sure that there will not be any major issues during this process.


  • 10:00am - Garden time! The blueberries are almost ripe and ready to be eat, that is if the birds do not take them apart. Once that blue hue starts to come out, the crows start to feast.
  • 11:00am - Going to have a nice and relax Saturday, a couple quick H sessions and some general chill vibes until later tonight. The main focus will be to prepare the NodeJS / Python cloud function, which I could turn it into a custom cloud function, with automatic build and deployment?
  • 3:00pm - I started a great book from Julian Baggini called The Duck That Won The Lottery, I will try to include some cute notes and feedback while I am writing these random journal entries. The preface is legendary, I am already loving the starting quote, Doing things right is simple: just elimin ate all your mistakes and then you'll be perfect.! I went to highlight the sentence and ended up over highlighting it? To infuse more grace to the fire, the lofi remix vibe added a layer of poetic justice. I am not even looking to backtrack.
  • 8:00pm - Settling down after a couple league sessions, the first concept will be to migrate out the cloud function from being just a python script into the NodePy setup. The main objective will be to migrate certain key components out of the basic setup, hmm this might be a bit tough to write out. The docker image that I will use is from nikolaik , under nikolaik/python-nodejs:latest and I believe that it is a Debian-based operating system. Based off the Github, it looks like Node 20 and Python 3.11, which I should not as the target for this image? Or should I keep it to the latest? Hmm… That might have to be a future problem for my future self.


Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. — Mother Teresa


  • Deploy a basic hybrid cloud function with a load balancer.