Daily Post Image from Upsplash

June: 13



As for the general rule of thumb, the mornings should always start with a fresh trip to the cafe. An overloaded ice coffee is perfect for the start of the morning and I got another protein-mixed coffee blend in the kitchen that is almost ready for lunch time. AFter getting all wired up, it would be wise to start making some moves.

Cleaning Pipes

Just to be safe from a quick repo revamp, we need a quick function to help us migrate out some of the core code base, but maybe that can be done at a later time. We want to make sure that none of our older games get effected by any random changes that we make moving forward. Let me update the title for this entry, I should call it updating and cleaning up the pipelines. I removed the actions to call the itch for deployment, this is just because we will shift gears and have the monorepo focus on steam deployment. The next part of the pipeline cleaning will be to move some of the notes and documentation into the git.mdx so that it can be referenced easily without directly going to the file. In the future, we want to basically move all the code comments and documentation out of the file itself and place it directly into the mdx docs. Granted, we would have to also offer the translations but that is so far in the year, 2026 probably xD

It would be wise to sync the changes first with the initial branchs, like dev and alpha, maybe even include the beta. I will loop back around to the main branch next week, just to make sure that I do not break the whole CI/CD flow in a day.

The new actions that we added are still broken, so let me push this through and then start fixing the broken actions. We can focus on getting the container up and running, which we have already, but we can at least do some of the basic functions within the container. The first step would be to add a screenshot function and also make sure that both port 3000 and 8086 are open.

Before we can even get to that point, we still have to make sure our modular actions actual run.

Action Repair

It seems that the pre command within the action.yml is not supported for local-based actions! The solution would be to switch back to composite, let me sync up these current changes and push up to main.

The way that we would want to launch atlas would be through the issue tickets, with the purpose of making sure that the container will run within the github actions. There might be concerns with how much this could scale but I do not think that there would be more than a couple issue tickets here and there, yet we can always improve upon this workflow! Now the way we would handle this would be to make sure that it works.

Ugh, there are so many weird and random bugs that it seems to be driving me a bit insane.


While we wait for the branches to move up into the main, I am thinking that there might be a better and more well rounded solution to our sync issue. The first thing is to make sure that each of my branches that I start to commit include a reference to an issue that it is related to? This could be an interesting concept that we can build around, given that our actions need to be updated.


The monorepo cloud environment does its well! Finally having some level of reporting in the PR comment section is dope, now we could also look back into the codeseemap integration! That will be on my list of tasks that I need to add back, Oh nevermind, I forgot that codesee was acquired and that means I will have to find another solution to that graphing problem.


  • 9:00am - Today’s market is going to be interesting, I really hope to see a dip but it could go any direction based off of what the feds say!
  • 10:00am - I started to watch the apple tv show, Silo and damn it is giving me some interesting game development vibes and concepts. The show is really well written so far and I am enjoying all the characters so far! I blew through the first couple episodes without even realizing it.
  • 11:00am - Going to take a nap for a while, I been up all night programming.
  • 2:00pm - Decided to take a quick break and visit a car dealership for my mom’s new car. We are looking at a 2021 or newer model of an Acura MDX. The current price point is around $48,000 for their Tech package. Personally I would want them to switch over to electric but they are still on the fence with it. The 2024 models that we want have a mild waiting period of about 4 months and pre-owned that are certified are around $41,000. I am going to continue to search through different offers, I might just offer around $35,000 and see if they have anything within their system that fits the price point. I will take a model with a couple thousand miles on it, if I can get it at a decent rate.
  • 4:30pm - Looks like my SPY put has expired and my TSLA puts are going to expire as well. I am thinking of rolling them into next week and collect that $1000~ premium. I might also sell another couple cover calls on TSLA going into next week, if this run continues.
  • 5:00pm - Going to get a bit deeper into the development cycle of RogueJester, but I am definitely feeling a bit of project overload already. I might have to switch up my work station and maybe migrate over to a coffee shop or café. A part of me is thinking of just driving to the beach and working from a boardwalk for a couple hours.
  • 5:30pm - Appwrite Integration has replaced the Strapi Integration! Now I am going to test case some basic examples and see if I can play. One of the issues that I am currently facing is the Coroutine / Asynchronous problem but there are enough reference points to resolve it.


Truth is powerful and it prevails. — Sojourner Truth


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