Daily Post Image from Upsplash

June: 09



Before I start any adventures within the binary land, I think I will take a quick adventure and collect my daily quests! Coffee, Breakfast, Red bulls, ah the usual works.


I am thinking that I might switch up the way that I was thinking of processing the music issue ticket. Instead of directly having the ml build the command, I will instead use it to help parse the data in the first prompt. Afterwards, I will just use regex to pull the parsed data and then move forward from there?

New prompt:

const _system_data_experts = `Imagine three different data experts are answering this task. All experts will write down their steps of their thinking, then share it with the group. Then all the experts will go on to the next step, etc. If any expert realizes they're wrong at any point, then they leave.`;


The next function that i would like to add into Atlas would be for the ability to log into RS using the data from the database. I still would have to build out the vault but for the time being, I could just use global variables to help handle it.

Building the Atlas / RSPS container and then running it with FastAPI, test casing its ability to communicate with the Rust backend.

Example command for building the docker image.

docker build . -t myapp && docker stop myapp_container && docker rm myapp_container && docker run --name myapp_container -d -p 3000:3000 -p 8086:8086 --shm-size=2g myapp

For the communication, we will use the groq as a base api, which means that I will have to build a quick api that will interact with it. We can extend it out in the future to use Ollama but for now this should be fine.


While I am building out the groq client, I am thinking that there might be a way to handle the prompt engineering but it seems that we would have to migrate it out of the groq library? A whole new library to handle the prompting would make sense, but we could roll that in slowly.

Updated Atlas with the new groq features added in, next up is to utilize the parallel tooling to help with the prompt engineering.


  • 3:30am - Finally got music playing through Discord, so I guess it might almost be time to launch the Discord.sh bot service. I am thinking that it will most likely be a private bot service, offering very specific and hybrid source bots for the servers. I will do a couple more test cases before launching it out in the future, it is also a bit late in the night for me.
  • 3:50am - The Discord Red bot in python seems to be good enough for what we are doing, it is running under python 3.11, which is good for the long term. I will most likely keep the bot as the core and then extend out private cogs that run inside of the bot, which would be one of the reasons that people would use our service, per say.
  • 4:30am - I was reading up on the recent changes on the Reddit API, it is a shame to see one of my favorite websites slowly fade into the depths of destruction. However there might be a silver lining in this, as more alternatives become popular, the resurgence of older forums, unique communities, decentralized projects, ect.. It will be interesting to see how this comes around when I read this passage a couple years into the future.
  • EOD - I did not keep too many notes for the day, as the lack of sleep threw me into a bit of a slow turtle mode. I am a bit sad that I will have to sell a couple hundred shares of $TSLA at $230 mark because of an of assigned weekly cover call. However it is not too bad of a deal, as I will most likely just write covered cash puts to generate capital from that point of view.


Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again. — Joseph Campbell


  • Make sure not all $TSLA stock get sold at $230! xD.
  • Unity Async Loader.
  • React Form Update.
  • Unity Login Migration.