Daily Post Image from Upsplash

June: 08


Github Actions

Spending a decent time on refreshing my mind when it comes to github actions.

Here is where we left off yesterday!

    - name: Check if issue title contains [MUSIC]
      id: check_title
        ISSUE_TITLE: ${{ github.event.issue.title }}
      run: |
        echo "Issue Title: $ISSUE_TITLE"
        if echo "$ISSUE_TITLE" | grep -q "\[MUSIC\]"; then
          echo "is_music_issue=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          echo "is_music_issue=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV

    - name: Stop if not a music issue
      if: env.is_music_issue == 'false'
      run: echo "Not a music issue. Skipping further steps."

    - name: Check for YouTube link in issue body
      if: env.is_music_issue == 'true'
      id: check_youtube
        ISSUE_BODY: ${{ github.event.issue.body }}
      run: |
        echo "Issue Body: $ISSUE_BODY"
        if echo "$ISSUE_BODY" | grep -q "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="; then
          YOUTUBE_ID=$(echo "$ISSUE_BODY" | grep -oP 'https://www.youtube.com/watch\?v=\K[\w-]+')
          echo "has_youtube_link=true" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          echo "youtube_id=$YOUTUBE_ID" >> $GITHUB_ENV
          echo "has_youtube_link=false" >> $GITHUB_ENV

Now I am thinking that it would make sense to turn these into smaller composite actions but that might take too long.

The plan is to try and make it as modular as possible, so that we can extend it out in the future. I am thinking that the user will go to the discussion page for each genre, and then post a comment with a youtube link with the song that they would like. This will then triggger an event for discussion creation, which will check if the discussion has the title of /music inside of title, after it does, it would parse the comment that is created and look for a youtube link. After it finds the youtube link, it will go to the page and extract the title and then create a github issue ticket for it? Once that issue ticket is created, which will be set with a priority of 0 and as we progress through these actions, we can raise the issue up! So in this case, if the ML stage one is processed, we can add another label to this, as label 1.

The current problem is that the prompt is not the best to give us accurate results. I might have to look up different guides on the best way to generate a prompt that they will finish without having any issues, maybe extending it out a bit more? Hmm.

The prompt technique that I will be using is a ToT aka Tree of Throught but I believe I will have to make some adjustments if I need this to create a zero execution.

Before I forget, let me adjust the music.md to make sure that it is up-to-date, afterwards, I did place a note on creating the japrock.mdx for my future azn music collection.

With the prompt, I might just go back and keep it simple because it seems that the ToT approach is causing some errors.

Imagine three different data experts are answering this task. All experts will write down their steps of their thinking, then share it with the group. Then all experts will go on to the next step, etc. If any expert realizes they're wrong at any point then they leave. Remember the goal is to complete all of the steps provided.

I will keep looking up more prompt techinques on the side. Maybe we can switch up the model to use mixtral-8x7b-32768 for this situation.

Here is the new prompt:

    const system = `Imagine three different data experts are answering this task. All experts will write down their steps of their thinking, then share it with the group. Then all experts will go on to the next step, etc. If any expert realizes they're wrong at any point then they leave. Remember the goal is to complete all of the steps provided and generate the final command. \n\n Please read the provided text, extract the required information, sanitize the title, and fill it into the specified command format. The title should only contain numbers, letters, spaces, hyphens, and characters (, ), ., and -. Your task is to complete a finalized kbve.sh shell command with the extracted information. If you can not complete the command, go back and process the input data again. \n\n Hint: Titles may contain multiple words separated by quotes and hyphens. These words are often the band name and followed by the song. **Example:**\n\`\`\`\n\n**Fill out the Form**\n\nYouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<yt_id>\nTitle:  <title> \nGenre:  <genre>\n\nPick only one of the different genres!\ndnb, chillstep, lofihiphop, nujazz, electroswing, edm, rock, japrock\n\n\n\`\`\`\n\n**Output:**\n\n\`\`\`bash\n./kbve.sh -nx kbve.com:music --args=\\\"--file=<genre>--title='<title>' --ytid=<yt_id>\\\"\"\n\nHere is the template for the command:\n\`\`\`\n./kbve.sh -nx kbve.com:music --args=\\\"--file=[insert file/genre here] --title='[insert sanitized title here]' --ytid=[insert YouTube ID here]\\\"\n\nEnsure to:\n1. Extract the \`File/Genre\`, \`Title\`, and \`YouTube ID\` from the text.\n2. Sanitize the \`Title\` to only include numbers, letters, spaces, hyphens, quotes, periods, the characters () . and -. Please do not replace spaces with any other characters and keep the spaces in the sanitized title.\n3. Only acceptable genres/file are dnb, chillstep, lofihiphop, nujazz, electroswing, edm, rock, japrock\n4. Fill in the command template with the extracted and sanitized values.\n\n**Your Task:**\nPlease parse the provided text below and generate the command. You must follow all the steps that are stated and make sure to wrap the kbve.sh command in bash code block. \n\n`; 

This was the older prompt:

    const system = `Please read the provided text, extract the required information, sanitize the title, and fill it into the specified command format. The title should only contain numbers, letters, spaces, hyphens, and the characters () . and -. Your task and goal should be to complete a finalized kbve.sh shell command\n\n**Example:**\n\`\`\`\n\n**Fill out the Form**\n\nYouTube Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<yt_id>\nTitle:  <title> \nGenre:  <genre>\n\nPick only one of the different genres!\ndnb, chillstep, lofihiphop, nujazz, electroswing, edm, rock, japrock\n\n\n\`\`\`\n\n**Output:**\n\n\`\`\`bash\n./kbve.sh -nx kbve.com:music --args=\\\"--file=<genre>--title='<title>' --ytid=<yt_id>\\\"\"\n\nHere is the template for the command:\n\`\`\`\n./kbve.sh -nx kbve.com:music --args=\\\"--file=[insert file/genre here] --title='[insert sanitized title here]' --ytid=[insert YouTube ID here]\\\"\n\nEnsure to:\n1. Extract the \`File/Genre\`, \`Title\`, and \`YouTube ID\` from the text.\n2. Sanitize the \`Title\` to only include numbers, letters, spaces, hyphens, quotes, periods, the characters () . and -. Please do not replace spaces with any other characters and keep the spaces in the sanitized title.\n3. Only acceptable genres/file are dnb, chillstep, lofihiphop, nujazz, electroswing, edm, rock, japrock\n4. Fill in the command template with the extracted and sanitized values.\n\n**Your Task:**\nPlease parse the provided text below and generate the command. You must follow all the steps that are stated and make sure to wrap the kbve.sh command in bash code block. \n\n`;


  • 8:00am - No morning work out today, I feel a bit tired and burnt out from the vast amount of smoke coming from the wild fire. I made the terrible mistake of leaving my windows open with a cross breeze and slowly my room has the faint smell of BBQ! The whole situation with their wildfire seems to be intense, these type of situations remind me to be grateful for what we have and have to understand that we could loose it all within a blink of an eye.
  • 11:00am - Coffee and mocha whey are the best combination. The combination of the protein and the caffeine make holy a proud boy. WAIT! That might have came out wrong…
  • 12:30pm - Going to clean up my room and re-organize some of the electronics. I think its time to take a break from software development and go deep into some hardware development. I am going to spend a couple hours looking into setting up a dev board and a small raspberry p, with the hopes to setup a fast enough cloud function to invoke it. I could rebuild a small car with camera and then let the cloud functions control the application? The only downside that I could see with the car would be the charging, as I would run into issues with the battery draining too fast.
  • 4:00pm - Hope that TSLA does not stay above $230 a share or I will have to perform some spicy memes magic to get over that bump. The price point per share seems to be a bit too much for my type of budget but we shall see as the markets have been eating up all the good news. War? Inflation? Memes? We shall see tomorrow how far the rally will go!
  • 4:15pm - Going to grab some more coffee, caffeine and switch over to some programming!
  • 5:20pm - Okay we got some feedback on the conch shell, there are a couple things we could do to improve it, including adding a button that is an action to ask the shell, incase they can not click the shell itself.
  • 5:39pm - Watching Ziggy play shadow of the colossus gave me some old school flash backs! This was such an amazing game back in the day, definitely up there with Zelda, at least for my childhood memories.
  • 6:00pm - Okay I really need to play some music and the fact that I can not find a solid music bot that plays YouTube videos is getting a bit annoying. So it might be time for me to build one really quick to get the job done!
  • 6:30pm - Updated Appwrite to the latest version 1.3.7 and did a basic migration to make sure that everything is okay.
  • 8:00pm - Time to fork over this music bot written in Go and quickly spin up a YT ready bot for Discord.
  • 11:59pm - EoD - Will push some tasks out for tomorrow, learning the different Go aspects was cool but will just end up using Python.


Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create. — Albert Einstein


  • Assemble Mock IoT.
  • Clean up the electrical components.
  • Music Bot to Play YT videos through Discord.
  • Unity Async Loader. Pushed for tomorrow.
  • React Form Update. Pushed for tomorrow.
  • Unity Login Migration. Pushed for tomorrow.