Daily Post Image from Upsplash

June: 06


League Minimap

The current tool that I want to finish building out would be to quickly make possible “battleplans” or “battle layouts” using the minimap. Ideally I would want to include possible placements of wards and even find a unique way to save them and display them to others.

Okay! I was able to get the waypoints to display within the minimap but it seems that they are a bit offset, which might be because of the size of the waypoint itself. Going to see if I can get ChatGPT to fix it!

Perfect, I had a feeling that it was a CSS issue and it was able to resolve it.

  .image-container {
    position: relative;
    display: inline-block;
  .waypoint {
    position: absolute;
    width: 20px; /* Adjust width and height as necessary */
    height: 20px; /* Adjust width and height as necessary */
    color: white;
    display: flex;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: center;
    font-size: 10px;
    border-radius: 50%;
    margin-left: -10px; /* Half of the width */
    margin-top: -10px; /* Half of the height */

That additional css change resolved the offset, which makes sense considering the w and h are 20, we need to then move it by half that to get the center.

Okay! The next step would be to save the coordinates and then figure out a way to render the waypoint pathing.


Training Groq to help me expand the music collection is also another side mission that I need to focus on.

./kbve.sh -nx kbve.com:music --args="--file=lofihiphop --title='Post Malone - Money Made Me Do It (Lofi Remix)' --ytid=RltR_yNdZ-8"

It still needs help with just returning the shell command, I wonder if I need to be more exact with my prompt.

The next step would be to establish a quick groq api inside of rust that will be able to communicate with the Github actions. I got this mapped out in my head but building it out, test casing and making sure all the pieces work without any issues will be a bit of a pain.

First we will create the base ai folder within the jedi package and then afterwards, we can start the groq.rs file. Also, just so we do not forget, we will need to make sure that the mod.rs files are editted to make sure everything links up.

We will avoid using the blocking part of the reqwest because we can just take advantage of tokio, at this point it would make sense to focus on building out the basic module. The initial lego piece will just focus on a basic or barebone restful api communication.

The file would under /packages/jedi/src/entity/ai/groq.rs and we should focus on making sure that the kbve package would create a pool of clients that would interact with the Groq API.

To test our package, we can use this command below:

cargo publish -p jedi --dry-run --allow-dirty

It seems there were some issues with this ubuntu container that I was ssh into, maybe I should extend the rust application install / tutorial to include a sub-section to help address the missing libraries. Yet it does say what libraries were missing, anyhow, I think it would make sense to add the dry run command into the nx, so we can call it almost anywhere.

This will be easy, just take the command that we made for the kbve.com:music and instead of calling the music.sh, we would just call the command above.

Here is the JSON for Nx to perform the dry run test for us.

		"dry": {
			"executor": "nx:run-commands",
			"options": {
				"commands": [
					"cargo publish -p jedi --dry-run --allow-dirty"
				"parallel": false

Afterwards, we will go into the ci-beta.yml and have it perform the dry run before adding the branch into the main.

I figured I would do the same with the kbve package and making sure that the package can dry run. It might require some libraries that Github action might not provide, so I will have to double check it. Based upon my quick search, it seems that the Github actions default runner has the libmysqlclient-dev client ready to be linked.


  • 9:00pm - I messed up the formatting for my notes on 06-06 in the year of 2023.
  • 10:00pm - A general summary for today would be that we were able to finish up / wrap up the cloud build! It looks like Unity was able to build the game, however we still have a couple things that we need to finish up before we could release a working steam demo. One of the core concepts that I was looking into was how we could start the wishlist before throwing together the demo. I should use the word playbale lightly, I would say that it does run but most of the crashes are actually just minor bugs and unexpected events, per say.
  • 11:00pm - The new login system has to be setup and we need to get that going within the next couple days, so that players could load into the game without having any major issues.


A single rose can be my garden… a single friend, my world. — Leo Buscaglia


  • Complete a windows build.