Daily Post Image from Upsplash

April: 11


Cooking stream? When and Where?



For the Atlas program, we will use the built in logging system that comes with uvicorn! To do this, we just import the logging and grab the uvicorn logger, like this below:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("uvicorn")

Then we have three functions that we can use:


In the future we would want to integrate a way to move specific warnings out of the logger and into a metric system.

Atlas Template

We have two options for the template system, i.e. loading static files from template. However, I suggest we opt for simplicity on the backend by returning a generic HTML template and dynamically loading the JavaScript.

KBVE Front Page

Going to take a quick break from the python realm and see if I can mess around with the front page and its code for a bit. I noticed that the wavey carousel seems to break the viewpoint and cause the x to over extend on the mobile phone, creating this weird white space bug! Oh the joys of CSS and responsive design, another adventure down the meme design mindduck, let me get started.

To get the dev kbve website up and running on port 4321, the default astro port, we run this command:

./kbve.sh -nx kbve.com:dev.

I am thinking the fix for this would be to wrap the VE widget, like below:

	<div class="">
		<VE widget="carousel:highflyer:wave" slider={waveslider} />

Then inside of the class , we slap around some basic tailwindcss to help us account for the various situations, including the overflows.

Actually I am thinking we could just scratch both of those components, the wave and the scroll effect and maybe start with a fresh full screen landing page.

Now the question is what would we make this page about? Here is what I am thinking as the base so far:

	<div class="w-full h-screen">

We start with a w-full and h-screen to at least make sure the landing page takes the whole screen.