Daily Post Image from Upsplash

April: 08




Time to mess around with python, continuing from yesterday! I had taken a break from doing anything with the P & Y, that I forgot so many basic things related to the library and language.


There are some sections for the LC Agents that need to be updated but within those updates, we need to expand and brush up on the Expo-BBQ library as well! Ugh so many different libraries that have to be worked on, yet so little time to focus on them all.

To get the base of the apps/expo-lcagents started, we will run ./kbve.sh -nx expo-lcagents:serve and wait for the metro bundler to do its magic. FYI, the time it takes to bundle and prepare everything is so slow, I can feel the pain from the little javascript engine that could.

We will add the new about.tsx section and while doing that, I am going to add a new library called, expo-linear-gradient.

To add this library, we will do pnpm install expo-linear-gradient and then make sure to setup the expo, iOS, android configurations. In this case, the iOS will need to have the pods rebuilt.

After doing that, we would look at adding more components into the Expo BBQ!

Sadly, I was not able to get a bunch of the different components up within the package today, but instead had to restructure the way that the router functions within expo-lcagents.

I migrated some of the routes into the tabs folder and plan to abstract away the navigation to _nav.tsx, there was a decent amount of learning to do with expo and react native, but I am getting the hang of it.