Daily Post Image from Upsplash

March: 29




There was some issues with Ruffle being loaded twice! So it seems that there might be issues in the future with how we load the library, but for now I was able to get it working again.

This can be an interesting test case for future problems that I need to break down, including the dynamic loading of certain types of content, including the phaser or adsense.

The core of the problem was that it was importing and registering the astro-ruffle twice, once from the astro-ve library and then again with our custom library. The solution, at least in the future, would be to extend the astro-ve ruffle component, rather than use the one that we are using, Yet I feel like that a decent amount of the content does not need to be included inside of the library, as it is a waste of time for everyone involved, mainly because it feels like its an offset library that I do not plan on using on any other website.

Lets go ahead and push this all up the CI/CD and make sure that it works in the production phase.


The next part of the application process would be to setup a video embed, which I am going to do next! Okay so the bento grid needs to be updated and the dark theme needs to be stripped out, partly because we do not need to support a light theme. I rather just stick with one universal theme and focus on that point, maybe later on we can use dynamic colors to help with the light shifting?

The dark: tailwindcss has been stripped out from the bento and now we can focus on the line clamping.


Going to migrate a decent amount of the blog posts, :O that I have saved throughout the decade of time, into their new home directory. I honestly hope that I do not have to do this again, any time in the future.

Currently the only one that I will migrate for tonight will be theorycraft.