Daily Post Image from Upsplash

March: 25


Command to Serve LC Agents: pnpm nx serve expo-lcagents



Time to test case the LC Agents Expo deployment using Github Actions. There will be three main test cases that we will perform, the first would be for the web, then Android and finally iOS.

Instead of bulking up the main deployment, I am thinking that it would be wise to start splitting up the actions a bit. However I am thinking before I add new action files for each deployment, I will at least try to keep them within the same ci-main for now.

        needs: ["alter", "deploy"]
        name: Build Expo Web LC Agents
        if: needs.alter.outputs.lcagents == 'true'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            contents: read
            packages: write
            - name: Checkout Repository
              uses: actions/checkout@v4

            - name: Setup Node v18
              uses: actions/setup-node@v3
                node-version: 18
            - name: Setup pnpm
              uses: pnpm/action-setup@v3
                version: 8
                run_install: false

            - name: Get pnpm Store Path
              shell: bash
              run: |
                    echo "STORE_PATH=$(pnpm store path --silent)" >> $GITHUB_ENV

            - name: Setup pnpm Cache
              uses: actions/cache@v3
                path: ${{ env.STORE_PATH }}
                key: ${{ runner.os }}-pnpm-store-${{ hashFiles('**/pnpm-lock.yaml') }}
                restore-keys: |
                    ${{ runner.os }}-pnpm-store-
            - name: Install pnpm dependencies
              run: pnpm install

That is the base of the action that we will be using to setup the pnpm before we execute any expo commands.

Okay now we have to work out the build phase, which is below:

           # -   name: LCA Expo Build

            -   name: LCA Expo Build
                uses: ./.github/actions/kbve-shell
                    flag: '-nx expo-lcagents:export'
                    create_pull_request: false
                    github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

            -   name: LC Agents -> Deployment
                uses: dobbelina/copy_file_to_another_repo_action@main
                    API_TOKEN_GITHUB: ${{ secrets.UNITY_PAT }}
                    source_file: 'dist/apps/expo-lcagents/'
                    destination_repo: 'kbve/lc-agents.com'
                    destination_folder: '/docs'
                    destination_branch: 'main'
                    destination_branch_create: 'patch-kbve-lcagents-deploy'
                    user_email: '[email protected]'
                    user_name: 'h0lybyte'
                    commit_message: ${{ github.event.head_commit.message }}
                    rsync_option: "-avrh --delete"