Daily Post Image from Upsplash

February: 25




Part 2 of the Git plan! We went ahead and setup a private repo with the source code for a couple plugins, however we need to make sure we can use them inside our unity editor. The next stage would be to setup the script commands for setting up the sub module.

Lets start with at least setting up the variables. Wait before we do that , we need to setup a ULID for the shell file.

# Function to add optional submodule
addOptionalSubmodule() {
    local SUBMODULE_PATH=$1
    local SUBMODULE_URL=$2

    # Check if the necessary arguments are provided
    if [ -z "$SUBMODULE_PATH" ] || [ -z "$SUBMODULE_URL" ]; then
        echo "Error: Missing required arguments. You must provide both a submodule path and a submodule URL."
        exit 1

    # Check if the submodule directory already exists
    if [ ! -d "$SUBMODULE_PATH" ]; then
        echo "Adding optional submodule..."
        git submodule add $SUBMODULE_URL $SUBMODULE_PATH
        echo "$SUBMODULE_PATH" >> .gitignore
        echo "Submodule already exists."

    # Deduplicate .gitignore entries
    awk '!seen[$0]++' .gitignore > temp && mv temp .gitignore

This is the basic function that will handle the git submodule setup. We want this to be optional and not have it affect the whole repo, definitely when cloning it from one area to another.

Then we run another command to place the DLLs during the build process!

Let me update the last part of the journal and then merge the patches.


The GIT LFS limit is around 250GB on Azure, thus we can place all of the RentEarth codebase with the plugins inside of a private Git LFS?

If the build does not work through Github actions, we can work around using the git lfs from Azure devops as a backup plan.

For the git lfs, we need a solid unity git attributes, here is the one that I am adding in.

Here is the location of gist for .gitattributes when using Unity LFS.

I might come back and shrink this down but for now this should help a ton with the storage and handling of the complex files.


During the migration of the UI/UX, we need to keep track of the different watch commands.

I am just going to use this entry to help keep track.

npx tailwindcss -i ./input.css -o ./output.css --watch