Daily Post Image from Upsplash

February: 19




The flex box for the frontpage should work on various platforms but I need to make sure that it would display them in a neat and responsive order. One of the ways that I was thinking of handling this would be to use flex with flex-wrap, the good old flexbox approach.

I also need to make sure that the WASM will work on the main website, which is another adventure that I need to plan out.

Hopefully we can get this all resovled within this week!

The current solution to the flex box would be something like this:

        class="h-full w-full items-start justify-start rounded-tl flex flex-wrap gap-4 overflow-y-scroll content-start p-3 ">

The flex, flex-wrap and content-start help align all the section containers within the flexbox and it seems to be responsive!

Now I want to see how it will work with different size cards and if it can fit them in without any issues.

For testing the flexbox, I am going to create some placeholder elements and see how they would render within the box. The first filler component is the hero.astro, which will be a generic hero element.


The Windows machine needed a quick restart but we were able to get the sound up and running! Good work fudster on finding the patch! Now there are some issues with the audio, including the decoding and the feedback is scratching or skipping.