Daily Post Image from Upsplash

February: 16




I am going to test case the new renders of the journal entries within the migrated kbve.com.

The color scheme is already making the text a bit hard to read but I suppose keeping the default white font is the best move, then adding a couple hues of blue.

The next question that I have in my mind is how would I go about doing the color gradients?

The color palette that I am thinking might look something like this:

Main Color , base cyan

  • Hex: #91ffff
  • RGB: (145,255,255)

Additional colors

  • Hex: #08a4a7 (8,164,167)
  • Hex: #e9ffff (233,255,255)
  • Hex: #4dfed1 (77,254,209)
  • Hex: #0bdbb6 (11,219,182)

These are not the final colors but give us a bit of range to understand how it would look.

We do need to create a new logo around these colors as well, which I will assign to an agent.


There are some older journal notes for security, we have to migrate them over to the new monorepo.

The two subjects as of right now are just xss and firewall, but we could include some additional subjects?

I think an entry for auth should be included as a future aspect, including how to handle jwt, password reset and 2fa.