Daily Post Image from Upsplash

February: 05




Doing more table work today! Finally going to extend out the faith column for the character table. I believe the faith system would provide an increase in lucy and a bonus amount of healing, there might be other ways that I can extend the trait. I know in Runescape that this skill is basically called Prayer, so I will try to reference some of that within this trait. We could call it fate but I think faith is more align to a trait that we would want in the character table.

Current table as of 9:40am today.

export const characters = mysqlTable('characters', {
	id: serial('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
	cid: binary('cid', { length: 16}).unique().notNull(),
	userid: binary("userid", { length: 16}).references(() => users.userid).notNull(),
	hp: int('hp').default(0).notNull(),
	mp: int('mp').default(0).notNull(),
	ep: int('ep').default(0).notNull(),
	health: int('health').default(0).notNull(),
	mana: int('mana').default(0).notNull(),
	energy: int('energy').default(0).notNull(),
	armour: int('armour').default(0).notNull(),
	agility: int('agility').default(0).notNull(),
	strength: int('strength').default(0).notNull(),
	intelligence: int('intelligence').default(0).notNull(),
    name: varchar('name', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
    description: varchar('description', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
	experience: int('experience').default(0).notNull(),
    reputation: int('reputation').default(0).notNull(),
    faith: int('faith').default(0).notNull(), 

Adding faith with this line, as an int with default 0. faith: int('faith').default(0).notNull(),

As for other attributes, we could include charisma, wisdom, luck, stamina, crafting, stealth, perception, ect… But I think we could heave those as enchantments or external attributes that could be dependant based upon the situation that they are in.

Like luck can be part of faith, while wisdom can be part of intelligence and stealth can be a subset of agility.

An increase in perception could be a combination of faith and intelligence?

There are a couple ways we can cross reference the skills, plus we can create a new table that is falls under enchantments

Under the death timer, based upon the game, we can find ways to lower the exp and reputation of the user by having them face different style of puzzles.

Okay! We should look at shipping the new table into production and building out the basics of the character table.

In addition to building out the character, we should also include a character sheet that gets generated using the SVG concept that we were talking about earlier.

Final Table for execution:

export const characters = mysqlTable('characters', {
	id: serial('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
	cid: binary('cid', { length: 16}).unique().notNull(),
	userid: binary("userid", { length: 16}).references(() => users.userid).notNull(),
	hp: int('hp').default(0).notNull(),
	mp: int('mp').default(0).notNull(),
	ep: int('ep').default(0).notNull(),
	health: int('health').default(0).notNull(),
	mana: int('mana').default(0).notNull(),
	energy: int('energy').default(0).notNull(),
	armour: int('armour').default(0).notNull(),
	agility: int('agility').default(0).notNull(),
	strength: int('strength').default(0).notNull(),
	intelligence: int('intelligence').default(0).notNull(),
    name: varchar('name', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
    description: varchar('description', { length: 255 }).notNull(),
	experience: int('experience').default(0).notNull(),
    reputation: int('reputation').default(0).notNull(),
	faith: int('faith').default(0).notNull()
}, (table) => {
	return {
		name_idx: uniqueIndex("name_idx").on(table.name),

Going to run the command to generate the mysql table,

pnpm drizzle-kit generate:mysql.

Afterwards, going to deploy a dev branch inside of the database and add the table.

Looks like everything worked out! We have the character table now inside of the database!


After the work meeting and getting the basics out of the way, I decided to focus on the character sheet render and what an adventure.

It seems that using multiple layers for the SVG would be the best option and trying to position them for a generic character sheet, ugh I might have to think it through.

The current SVG is about 8.7MB, which is way too much for a simple sheet, thus I will have to scale it back down. New plan would be to isolate the images that we would want for the character sheet and then call them directly as we put the sheet together. Now I will shift gears and work on pulling the data out of the database and rendering the image, but before I do that, I need to push through the changes to the codebase.


Earlier in the kbve package, I started the new state that would hold the validator and the db pool, however to keep the rolling update concept going, I believe we will integrate this new state while keeping the older one.

Slowly we will shift the couple routes that we have, register, login, ect… to the new state, but before I do that, I want to make sure that the new state will work as intended.

There was the idea of also including the a channel system using crossbeam, but I will hold off on pushing through that update until I get some of the unity SOA out of the way.

Okay! the new validator builder would come from the jedi crate, which means I would have to include that crate inside of the rust_api_profile,