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January: 28




  • 9:53am - Refactor


    The kbve package has a couple errors that needs to be addressed, which are mainly because the user table has userid now instead of ulid as a reference.

    Issue one would be under the guild.rs but now how should I refactor it?

    For now I am just updating the references to the ulid table as userid, since we want to make sure the column names match for the inner/left joins.

    However during the cargo test, I noticed the holy crate was broken too, which means I need to go back and fix that as well xD!

    The issue with the holy crate would be the observers, which I have addressed.

    Going back to the kbve package and rust_wasm_embed, I reset the hcaptcha key within the database and we are running into some verification issues.

    To help resolve this, I am going to pull the dev server replication from 5 units to 1 and see what the problem is when it comes to the verification, which is most likely something stupid hehe.

    The goal right now would be to isolate the different functions of the package into their own files, then slowly extend out each one of them. I want to do this slowly but I will skip the integration testing and stack tracing until the base of the refactor is done.


    This was a pain to figure out because I could not tell if I was having errors from the HCaptcha service, itself, or if there was just something wrong with the docker network. In the end, I was able to register my test account, which is enough to move forward with the rest of the refactor.

    The current struct for HCaptcha looks like this:

        struct HCaptchaResponse {
            success: bool,
            challenge_ts: Option<String>, // Timestamp of the challenge
            hostname: Option<String>, // Hostname of the site
            credit: Option<bool>, // Deprecated field
            #[serde(rename = "error-codes")]
            error_codes: Option<Vec<String>>, // Error codes, if any

    The error_codes or error-codes should pass through the json but I can come back to that at a later time.


    The health_check and speed_test utility functions will be migrated into one route that we will call system diagnostics. This route will contain all the information we would need to debug, examine and test the live instance.

    In the integration test case, I am calling them like this:

        .route("/health", get(kbve::routes::system_health_check))
        .route("/speed", get(kbve::routes::system_database_speed_test))

    Both of the routes are working fine without any issues at the local point, I will save the progress at this route.