Daily Post Image from Upsplash

January: 26



Need to keep track of these keys:

  • portainer_stack
  • jwt_secret
  • portainer
  • hcaptcha
  • kbve
  • shieldwall


  • 7:00am - Bear


    Decided to start a TV series for my morning binge and since I enjoyed Shameless, I figured I would give FX’s show a shot. Ended up watching almost all of the first season in one sitting, it was definitely on point and worth a watch. In between the the first couple episodes, I had to make a quick trip to Wawa and grab myself a steak and egg hoggie.

  • 10:30am - SQL


    The primary key will be shifted back to the BigInt via the Serial. SERIAL is an alias for BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE. Given that the global table is still using the serial, I will just go back and basically replicate that.

    Next it would be preparing the different tables that the kbve package will need to include doing the refactor.

    The message table would look like this:

                export const message = mysqlTable('message', {
                    id: serial('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
                    sender_id: binary('sender_id', { length: 16 }).references(() => users.userid).notNull(),
                    receiver_id: binary('receiver_id', { length: 16 }).references(() => users.userid).notNull(),
                    content: text('content').notNull(),
                    sent_at: timestamp('sent_at', { mode: 'string' }).notNull().defaultNow(),
                }, (table) => {
                    return {
                        sender_id_idx: uniqueIndex("sender_id_idx").on(table.sender_id),
                        receiver_id_idx: uniqueIndex("receiver_id_idx").on(table.receiver_id)

    However there should be some additional fields that we might want to add.

    Wait I forgot an additional change that I need to do for the schema, which is change the length of the fields from 256 to 255.

    Okay after deploying the new tables, I forgot to double check the global keys that we would need, so I might have to create a tool to keep track of those.