Daily Post Image from Upsplash

January: 20



  • 5:40pm - Holy


    One of the issues with the observer crate would be if we needed to include a Vec around the field object before placing it inside of the AtomicCell. There needs to be a bit more test casing and I believe that it would make sense to wrap it around the Vec, but I need to go through some real world test cases before I write it out. Besides the observer macro needing an updated AtomicCell with a Vec, the setter’s notification has to be modified a bit. Both of these issues can be resolved in a test case of the rust_wasm_embed.

  • 11:00pm - PalWorld


    Playing a couple hours of palworld and it has been great! Ended up building a massive base on Zachs server, while I been debugging the Crossbeam crate for an AtomicCell object. The game is still in early access but it has been very fun so far, the whole pokemone with guns is absolutely correct. I want to see what the end game content will look like and then explore the whole map, ah, collecting different pal monsters, it really is a trip down memory lane.

  • 4:00am - Sleep


    There was not much major progress today, it felt more like a break from the normal research and coding sessions, thus I will keep this entry short and sweet.